It’s a catch-22. You press him hard and your credentials get revoked. You don’t press him hard and your credentials are worthless.
Hernandez thought having Hall represent him gave him an Outsider’s Edge.
If these creatures cared 1/10th as much about college as they do college athletics we would be living in the age of enlightenment.
Lousy Urban Types with their loud, Urban Type music and their provocative Urban Type dancing. Sometimes I wish they’d all go back to the Urban Type areas they came from.
This might bruise his ego, but he cam longer abuse the notion of being an every-down RB; he may need to switch professions or at least branch out into different aspects of football.
My roommate is currently costing me a fortune. No savings whatsoever. People try to excuse his free-loading;
“FiveThirtyEight’s prediction model gives...” Hahahaha.
Just don’t talk shit about Crazy Bread.
Payet’s 9 goals last season tied him for 22nd alongside such ‘superstars’ as Mitrovic and Rondon. His assists number ranks higher, but still only one more than James-fucking-Milner. Nice free kicks, bad attitude. Clearly sandbagging it this season. Take yer fauxhawk back to France, Dimitri.
YES! Fernandes reminds me of an attack-minded Kouyaté. He’s so freaking long.
I think Lanzini was found out a bit this year after how good he was last year. Just needs to show a bit more bravery and be willing to get stuck in when he’s attacking.
It’d be nice to get Antonio on the right wing and to keep him there, I know his service isn’t the best, but he’s an absolute workhorse who can make…
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.
A true profile in courage.
I live in Nebraska, and I need the rest of the country, no, the world! to know one simple fact: Runza sucks. It’s food is sad. There’s no happiness at all. And the “Runza” is a goddamn meat pocket that also sucks. And the fries are mediocre at best.