
“I don’t immediately jump to molesting her. I wait 10 years. But so we’re clear, I’ve called dibs on that.”

“That’s some fucked up stupid shit”

Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.

All of Canada seams to have forgotten that Montreal was once the home of the greatest player ever Vlad Guerrero

“It’s just like The Breakfast Club, except everyone is 70, evil, and maybe sundowning.”

Fellow Nebraskan, completely agree. Rose-Ivey’s speech was really good and hopefully Husker fans can take the message to heart. Though until Tom Osborne says something slowly and enthusiastically, they won’t care.

Pete’s response was almost infuriating. It essentially boiled down to “fuck them for exercising their rights”. The real disgrace is wasting taxpayer money on an end-run around the FDA to buy lethal injection drugs, but hey... potato, po-tah-to.

One of the worst parts is the governor--an old, white heir to billions--calling the kneeling disgraceful.

He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.

By that logic, the Nuggets should’ve given Kobe a banged up while girl.

Looks like someone got my email!

Without the wild cards in the AL, you’d have zero drama since the divisions are basically wrapped up. Instead you’ve got 4-5 teams still fighting for 2 shots to at least stay alive.

Superfly mentioned it, but to say he “might have had a HOF career without steroids” drastically understates how awesome he was. The conventional wisdom is that he started juicing around 2001. Prior to that, he had five individual seasons where he led the league in OPS+, won three MVP awards, finished second twice, and

If they both don’t get in relatively soon, it’s sacrilege.

The horror! An adult drank a beer in front of the, in front of...

That’s basically dress code in Big 10 for some reason.

I’m frankly more concerned about the behavioral choices of this guy:

Never ever.

If only the Braves had discussed things with the taxpayers of Cobb County in a similar fashion.

I’d like to hear more about these 6-9's being rammed down our throats, please.