The last Chiefs game I went to was a loss to the Broncos with Tim Tebow. He threw the ball 8 times and completed 2. Of course the Chiefs lost. I told myself I would never go to another Chiefs game again. Good riddance.
The last Chiefs game I went to was a loss to the Broncos with Tim Tebow. He threw the ball 8 times and completed 2. Of course the Chiefs lost. I told myself I would never go to another Chiefs game again. Good riddance.
“In my opinion, it’s not to hear about Charlottesville. … It’s about the games, it’s about the highlights. Let’s show some standings. Let’s talk about what’s coming up tonight. I’m just old, I guess, old-school.”
I watched the Tulsa broadcast of the Big 3 and my childhood was straight up ruined watching Rashad McCants just dominate AI. They had to switch AI to guard someone else. It was like a glimpse into an alternate universe where McCants didn’t get his career ruined by a Kardashian.
Reading this makes me appreciate how ahead of his time Lil B the Basedgod was. Thank you Based God
Phil Jackson really offered that trade? I hate myself for being a Knicks fan.
Go Royals!
Fake news!
Why does Australia play in Asia and not Oceania?
Why do you hate America? A flag looks good on anything.
Being in Cincy, I hope Fiona has a better fate than Harambe #neverforget
Leave Dance Cam Mom out of this! She is a modern-day saint!
I like Acosta, but he did make the mistake of not committing a foul on the Mexico counter-attack that led to their goal. He should have taken the guy out at midfield to stop the run. All part of their learning process. His future is looking bright.
It’s a darn shame that they couldn’t book John Rocker.
I respect Lebron for being a better passer than MJ and Kobe. I want to embrace his greatness. Lebron doesn’t need to make every shot, but shooting something like 31% in the 4th quarter this series is not a good look.
2 of his titles were won by Ray Allen and Kyrie Irving hitting some of the clutchest 3's in NBA history. It’s my fault for wanting Lebron to have some of that Mamba mentality in him. For some reason he stops attacking the basket in the last 5 minutes.
Why does he always fade in the 4th quarter? I want him to be the GOAT, but his absence in crunch time makes it hard.
No, but they were both young when they started ballin’
How many did they score against West Ham?