Now we can watch Jackie Gleason while we eat!!
Now we can watch Jackie Gleason while we eat!!
How sweet it is. (ask your parents)
Slightly related - when I was a kid, my grandparents owned a hardware store and small engine repair service back in Detroit... you know, back before there was a Home Depot on every other corner. Anyhow, my grandpa swore that there was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with some WD-40. He used that shit for pretty much…
“News Editor at Jalopnik. 2008 Honda Fit Sport.”
I was more mad about the dead animals, mostly because I think you’ve got the storytelling purposes twisted.
Hey man, Trump was right. When I take my monthly shit, I have to flush 10-15 times to get it all down.
#same #fuckSpanfeller #theyneverheardofmaintenance
Is anyone going to give an answer to the comments not being navigable anymore? Is this permanent or a temporary Kinja glitch? It’s been multiple days and I can’t find replies/quotes/etc without scrolling through endless comment threads
You son of a bitch. I'm in!
I prefer Per Sematary 2’s Clancy Brown. But truth be told he will always be the Kurgan to me
Found the person who’s never experienced instant torque.
Brian Williams said he was there when Michael wrote the piece
You can take my cotton swabs from my cold, dead hands.
Nothing feels better than a Q-tip swiping against your ear drum. I will never stop!
I love milk and always have. I will defend my snow white beverage of choice until the end! How can you make real hot cocoa without milk? What would my special spaghetti sauce be without that dash of cream at the end? And dammit, YOU EAT CEREAL WITH MILK. I don’t wanna hear from you weirdos who eat it dry or whatever.
Heh heh heh. Oh, white dot with blue tail, will you ever find what you’re looking for?
“Click on the ‘play’ button below to watch the video.”
He found them in the toilet after a visit from Henry Kissinger...