an engine smoother than a snail gliding on melted butter across the surface of Palomar observatory's 200-inch mirror
an engine smoother than a snail gliding on melted butter across the surface of Palomar observatory's 200-inch mirror
I was thinking the same thing and then I realized it was probably a bit too small for his tastes.
Thanks, informative info.
I fear they are a dying breed, these small towns. Ben did a nice piece on his grandparents having to give up driving which led to a discussion on "walking communities" which I found very interesting. I felt many small towns could find new life as walking communities, but that discussion has been had. And turning…
Small towns can be interesting, but I agree that they are probably better to daydream about than live in.
Small towns are the heart of America, IMHO. Sorry I depressed you, but curious as to why.
This reminds me of a "father" story. As a kid I had trouble with story problems in math. One problem was figuring out how long a power pole was. The old man goes to my math teacher with me and tells the teacher, "the problem is, you don't understand Doug". Turns to me and says, "Doug, the company that makes these…
Never really been into Jaguars, they seem to be the preferred cars of women who have slept their way to a better life. I do like the hint of '63 Oldsmobile in the story photo, however.
I wonder if they are trading them in? I prefer to think so.
I'm in love with this place, makes me want to drive clear to Illinois and buy a Ford!
I understand Don Stallings of Stallings Ford in Fithian, IL (population about 500) is really excited about this. His current new vehicle inventory is 1 (one) truck. This is double his inventory in 2009. He didn't have any new vehicles because "overhead can kill you". He normally keeps two new vehicles in stock.
Don't worry, it flakes off after time. Nothing says "Built Ford Tough" like chrome film falling off a plastic grill.
I'm not a great fan of Jeeps, but I have a soft spot in my heart for Beetles. Neither had anything to do with my NP vote. I looked at the "veep" and realized that it has the looks that I really think would appeal to hot blonde chicks - you know the tall ones with really great, tanned legs. Coed types who like to…
At first I thought it might have been Ray trying to get Joel Ewanick's attention.
Great job, Benjamin, I really enjoyed reading this. One correction, the judgement against Marciano was $425 MILLION.
Point well taken, we too often notice only the "bad apples" and judge the entire basket by them.
I love it; incredibly creative and cool.
LOL! People might confuse me with my brother. Seriously.
I'll be 56 in September. Have you ever met the people my age who ride motorcycles? It's worth being locked in a metal cage to be away from those jerks. Easy Rider wannabes who would piss there leathers at the first sign of danger.
When you look at shabby property the realtor will hasten to point out that the value is in the land. This car does't come with any land so CP is the only answer.