Even answering hypothetical questions while daydreaming, it is fun to really think about what you would really want based on your interests, values, etc.
Even answering hypothetical questions while daydreaming, it is fun to really think about what you would really want based on your interests, values, etc.
You might take an elephant with you, too. That way you'd have two trunks and could put on a circus.
The business coupe was built for salesmen. Back in the day, hotels had sales and samples rooms. A salesman would rent a room to display his samples to local merchants or sell directly to the public.
Watch A Combined 2,450 Horsepower Lambo Versus Viper Drag Race
They're nice and all, and sometimes it's good to have a clean place to sleep.
Ask Mario how bad his plane was damaged in the hanger accident this week.
I can't come up with individual names, but I was checking a few of my friends/followers and most had not been on in months. Then there was the loss of Wert. Matt is doing fine, but I miss the "Wertness". (OK, I'll come right out and say it, I miss "Jewlopnik"!)
I quit drinking years ago so I'm not here for the refreshments. On a sadder note, most of my "friends" on here were older and it seems with the changes they are mostly gone. Perhaps we should visit assisted-living establishments and drum up new (old) Jalops
What's the difference between a Target employee and Taylor Swift? One is a stocker and the other is a stalker.
I second that! :)
Paul, I have to be honest. I love cars in my own way. That said, there isn't ONE single new car that I even like, let alone lust over. Were I to win the Powerball I'd probably have a 1960 Chrysler 300-F in my garage and keep my boring, but reliable Accord as a daily driver. Is there an extra seat in the curmudgeon…
This should excite every male over 65.
Walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation.
Might as well show it to us now. If past performance in the market is any future indicator, we won't see it on the street once it goes on sale.
Depends on what your definition of "lost" is. Back in 1971 my aunt and uncle bought a new Olds Toronado. They went away for a few days, taking their other car. When they returned home the Toronado was gone. My uncle and aunt panicked and finally my uncle remembered my grandfather, who was living in their guest…
If it was built in 1993, your YJ is a Chrysler product and not AMC. Chrysler bought AMC in 1987. If you meant, rather, that it was an AMC designed vehicle then I'm just hairs.
I'd still go with the Jeep CJ.
Seems like any French automaker would simply surrender market share to Germany. How does this help Opel?