We had some of these as light delivery vehicles back before they glamorized them. The body on those things would twist if parked at certain angles and the tailgate wouldn't shut. The simple solution, in retrospect, would have been to move the thing and shut the tailgate. We'd slam the tailgate until the lowered…
Yeah, it was Wert. No one else would select a blue handbag with that outfit.
If nothing comes of it but this crotch shot David will no doubt feel it was money well spent.
Thanks, I was lost on that one. My comic development ended about here: [www.funny2.com] I watch This Old House out of nostalgia - I remember when it was built.
I Googled it and nothing came up. I think I should get on to other things. :)
The Grand Canyon... For some unknown reason I thought my father would enjoy the Grand Canyon. This was years ago when Jews drove Buicks and I had a Park Avenue (sorry, PC police). So, I loaded the old man up and we headed for Arizona. First, I read the map wrong and got lost. My father threw a can of Pepsi at me.…
They say most billionaires started in a garage with borrowed money. I never had a damned garage!
Looks like the Charger does everything the old Crown Vic did. Police departments have found their replacement.
He looks like the "old guy".
I might suggest that this is just the type of undercover story that Ray's mom could handle. We need that woman now more than ever!
Can't someone Google it?
He drives a Buick?*
You should quit teasing us with your mother and bring her back, Ray. I have an idea: your mom can write a review, Peter Orosz can illustrate it and you can present it like a children's story. Too cute. Now, pass the A1.
Great COTD. I think the reason Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote was based on the reality that there were five men for every woman and the men would do anything to keep the little women happy!
Thanks. I think things were simpler and more interesting when I was a kid.
LOL! This was back in the good ol' days when matters that are tied-up in courts for months or years today were simply "dealt with", "taken care of" or "handled" - often at two in the morning or over lunch.
Chryslers were damned good cars back in the day and had a presence that was hard to describe. This was not ours, but I remember mom's friend had a '68 New Yorker that was rear-ended by a '67 Mustang. The Mustang was towed away and the New Yorker had a ding in the rear bumber.
Over the years we had New Yorkers, Newports, 300's and Imperials. They were all just "Chryslers" to "us". But, you are correct, the '67 was an Imperial when it was a separate make. The '69 was, also. It seems like the '71 was an "Imperial by Chrysler" and the '74 was too. The last "Chrysler" we had was the '76…