
Does anyone else do word association (product association in this case)? The first thing that popped into my head as I began reading this was the classic Crosley Shelvador refridgerator. I have no idea why. Thinking about it, I'd rather have the restored Crosley. It would be a lot cheaper and you could keep lots

You'll want the owner's manuals to read while you kill time in traffic. $2.2mil and no wireless broadband, they're dreaming.

They race Pintos at Irwindale. We have our sequel to They Shoot Horses, Don't They? Get on the horn and find out if any of the original cast is available.

Granted, it might not have sucked, but it was still no Vega. Just ask Motor Trend. What a battle it must have been in the editorial offices with two such fine competitors.

The auto industry has alway taken technology as high as it could and it usually gets in the way of "driving".

It would make a nice paper weight for the Jolly Green Giant. Aside from that, I see no useful purpose at $2,500. CP.

Thank you. Mechanix Illustrated never acknowledged the passing of Tom McCahill, he was the freelancer who became the franchise.

DED, Jr. will be missed by me simply because he was always around in my life. I regret his passing as I would any individual and I am sorry he had to suffer the ravages of cancer. I am a firm believer in not speaking ill of the dead so I am glad that I took the time many years ago to write to C&D and call him an

That can't open a dealership where I live until they can figure out what Calvin will be peeing on and get the window decals made.

tl;dr. Here's her tits and ass, that's all we really care about.

I think that was their audition tape for Justin's internship.

I was going to give this car a crack pipe, but gave it a vagina filled with assorted drug paraphernalia, loose change and the the unabridged version of "The Old Man From the Sea". I detest this car so much that were I an Arab I will throw a shoe at it. However, I am not an Arab and my cat is laying on my shoes and I

I'm sorry to hear of your sister's bad Karma, Ray. They never should have switched to a Fisker having had so many years of dependable service from Fjords. BTW, moose carving sounds sooooooooooooo Palin. Get your sister help, Ray, she isn't hanging out with McCain yet so there's still time.

Nothing but Chrysler employees? I might bring the family liquor business back to life and base it in Detroit.

There's an app for that? Who knew?

For fun write a really wishy-washy love letter and run it through Babblefish a couple of times. It's a riot what come out.

I had a '91 and that thing still holds the record as the worst car I have ever owned. This is the car that got me into Hondas. What a total POS! Three transmissions in 40K miles - thank God for the 7/70 powertrain warranty at the time. Things broke and fell off that car that I'd never even heard of. Parts-bin?

They do hire them as consultants, however. This woman has already helped Fed-Ex get twice as many packages on their planes.

Now playing

I was looking for that song the other night and found this one. Do you remember it?

Probably a Cord. The independents outsourced nearly everything.