
Snooty frat boy parents: Do you have any proof our boy was involved?

Ray, one of the things I like about you is that you can get to the heart of the matter in one sentence when you put your mind to it. I don't have your talent, but I'll try. The guy got bitten by his own dog. It's sad, but it does happen.

You know how rumors start. We hosted a party for the UCLA cheerleaders and someone made a crack about there being hot Trojans all over our place... it just got all twisted around.

Great COTD but, I thought Kilpatrick got a big Chevy bowtie tattooed on his back and was offering rides. Am I getting my stories confused again?

I have some sympathy for the guy (woman?). In this day of technology, with so many demands on your time, it is easy to hit a wrong button here or there.

My mother is 83y/o and in all my years of knowing her I've never known mom to despise anyone as much as she does Sarah Palin. Sarah needs to return to Alaska and watch Russia from her deck while preparing a moose steak on her grill.

This is just sad.

Because not racecar?

I've always admired people who are handy. My childhood "mentor" would run through the kitchen with a briefcase in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, while sucking on a Kent 100, and yell, "the fucking Imperial won't start...I'm taking your AAA!" That's pretty much the way things are handled in

Don't go by the mileage figures listed. I have an '09 Civic Hybrid and the display currently reads 31.2/mpg. This is mostly country driving and it's pretty typical. I get slightly better when the stars align and the weather warms but, not to the point where I need A/C. I'm not complaining as I really like this

I think it would be a kick to buy a car like this and about 100 acres in the middle of no where and park it in a barn on the property. In about 2061, some guy opens the barn door and goes "HOLY SHIT!". I have odd daydreams...

Fritz Henderson took time out from his remedial math course for corporate executives to address the rumor that his daughter Sarah was behind the Chrysler Tweet that distressed so many.

Probably a blonde, too.

You must cringe a lot. :)

I guess this means we need a new Saleen solution.

It's not just the male offspring; look at the pain Paris Hilton has endured.

I think everyone involved with the press is upset by these developments. This Mosley needs to be spanked, yeah, spanked! Why, I'd do it myself; put him over my knee and spank him, spank him really hard! Excuse me, where's the mens room?

Pininfarina produced the Eldorado Brougham for Cadillac in 1959 and 1960, and suggested this as a replacement.

This car really reminded me of a modern take on the Cadillac Jacqueline done by Pininfarina back in the early 60's. Pininfarina made it in honor of Jackie Kennedy back before her husband made Pontiac ambulances collector's items. Come to think of it, the booth babe looks like Jackie Kennedy with botox injections so