
Wow! Good times!!! We need to get together again soon and "kick it around". BTW, you promised you'd send me a print of this pic.

I'm thinking Rancho Desu San Desu would be a good name for a subdivision outside Escondido.

Great COTD! I attempted to find you a Raptor with a hot babe (the fact that $kaycog couldn't should have been a hint). At any rate, I Googled "Ford Raptor Woman" and this is what I came up with. The pic is from People at Walmart and I would suspect that many Raptors will find their way to Walmart parking lots so

Justin, that's a 1996 not a 1998; you seem to always get the year wrong on American luxury cars. At any rate, I think the seller should be dinged at least $1,499,500 for non-matching wheels.

No, I think 10 years was long enough to wait.

I think that says "Rambler Super". I had to look close after you mentioned it. Rambler used "Cross Country" as a designation for wagons and "Safari" was used by Pontiac.

I went with the bike and loved the old man more every time I rode it. Often it's the thought that counts.

What is beauty? Before Lady Bird Johnson set out to "beautify" our nations highways, there were junkyards in plain site along nearly every road. That was beauty to me and I can still see my father looking at me in the rearview mirror and shaking his head as I pressed my nose against the car window to get a better

I feel like a newbie. I think I've been around about two years (that's 14 in dog years) and you, Ray, have always been the "face" of Jalopnik to me. Hell, I even downloaded Chrome for you. Is that devotion or what?

Yes, and what I paid for my star got you out of that little episode in Cobo San Lucas...

Davey was gone before I got here so I'd never heard of him. Several people seem happy to see him back so that's a good thing. However, I get the feeling we're missing someone...

Who is Davey G. Johnson? I can get strangers at the barber shop to tell me about trucks.

GM must have had really good wheel cover fasteners back in those days.

That's in really good shape for being out that long in Brooklyn. Has the market for wheel covers dried up in the Northeast?

Thanks. It's rough but, still it doesn't have an abandoned look to it. It would seem someone still loves it.

I used Google Street View to peer into Ray's kitchen window; this is scary on sooooo many different levels.

Couldn't he sell the plans to Cubans so they wouldn't try driving to Florida?

Did anyone else click on the title expecting to see a Nash?

Bud was actually jogging when he was run down by a vegan on a ten-speed bike reaching into her burlap handbag for an organic carrot stick.