
@loyter: It's more fun to use the service entrance. :)

I said it was an old joke. About the time Pintos were exploding, Firestone 500's were coming apart. The Explorer debacle wasn't Firestone's first experience with controversy regarding their products.

I still have pictures of the '64 Riviera he bought and liked so well that he kept it until he died even though he bought newer ones. I was going to scan one and put it up but... you know the NEW Jalopnik doesn't allow that.

Well, the Buick driver in our family was my maternal grandfather, a trained violinist who discovered he could get more women and have more fun being a "fiddle player" in country bands. The guy reminded me of Paul Newman in Hud except, instead of a pink Cadillac, he favored iris colored Buick Rivieras. He wasn't

It kills me to quote Oprah but, she once said, "never hold a grudge because half the people don't know and the other half don't care". So, I don't have enemies - though, I am probably the enemy of some. With that in mind I'd give them a Toyota Camry. Nothing says, "you're not worth a thought" better than a Camry.

I miss the days when Buicks ran on Ethyl and my grandfather and the gas station attendant would make crude jokes about it.

It worries me sometimes that I know these old Cadillac nuances; I get the feeling I missed some part of life. :)

@Baby Beater Benz: The drop-top Caddy is a '69 based on the cornering lamp trim and the hubcaps.

I checked the website for the dealership that was provided in the comments. The dealership has some beautiful cars and, as much as I love the old ones, I have to admit that the new ones are better in many ways. How would you like to collide with the dash of this 1966 Caprice in an accident, for example?

The median age of the NASCAR viewer is 51.6; somewhat higher than the average I.Q.

@crazycarlarry: You win the prize. The "halo" vinyl roof was carried over from 1970 on the '71 Coupe deVille but, not the Sedan deVille. Brochures are prepared ahead of new model introductions and often use mock-ups. The incorrect photo was from the "prestige" brochure, the error was corrected in a later standard

This from the 1971 Cadilllac brochure, it's a nice looking 4-door - can't say it's the best - but, there is something wrong with it. Can anyone spot the problem?

Good to see you again. Want to get punny? I moved in over a bank, now my assets over $10,000,000. :)

It was a long comment and Justin was waiting for it to come out in CliffsNotes™

Are you German?

Yeah, on my Civic Hybrid as well. Wanna like compare mileage over a beer and maybe scope the chicks over at Barnes and Noble later?

I know what you're thinking, but to ask for FWD and an automatic, too. That just seems, well, greedy.

Spoken like Dean Martin.

A Corvette will kick it's ass and get you women who enjoy sex, are actually good in bed and regard Wendy's drive-thru a gourmet meal. Speed, sex and saving for me.