
Actually, that's Midge, Barbie's redheaded friend.

Murilee puts the dots over the "e" in Citroën.

Can it be a hybrid? ...ah, to dream!

There's a little more to the story. Ford was ogling Michael's g/f, Muffy Mendenhall, while Michael posed the question and Ford said, "Oh, God, YES! Let's not take things out of context here.

Her boyfriend's name is Cy?

I glanced at the screen and thought these were new icons for lost features.

No, on him. Steve didn't do the type of movies where a johnson would have been Photoshopped in him.

This is how they did all of Steve McQueen's driving scenes and then they Photoshopped a johnson on him.

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance, I saw shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night And I was thinking to myself, 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' I thought I heard her say...

This house is in the Wilshire district of LA - about 3 houses north off Pico with an auto body shop on the corner. The asking price is $599,000.00. What would it cost in Detroit?

A purple 1998 Oldsmobile?

Last summer a squirrel ate the wiring in my Civic Hybrid leaving me with an inoperable car. I called the dealer, a tow truck, my insurance company and Enterprise. Two weeks later I got the car back; shit happens all the time. Had this been some poor couple living in the car, this might have been a heart-warming story.

Regarding dusting off the old "See the USA in Your Chevolet". That is probably one of the best campaigns of all time as it brings out the best of America and puts you in in it driving a Chevy. As they say, "what's old is new again".

Sorry for liquor analogies but, it's what I know. My Dad used to tell tavern owners, "if you got a good bartender they'll get you through anything. Don't fuck with a good bartender". Ray's a good bartender, he's got us through staff changes and he'll get us through this. If it weren't for Ray I'd have said to Hell

It would have been much easier to identify if the data plate hadn't been removed for the glovebox door.

The cars from the past 20 years or so all look alike in broad daylight in a mall parking lot so identifying them in a shot like this is nearly impossible. When I was a kid we drove Chryslers and my mother thought there were two makes of cars - Chryslers and Buicks; if it wasn't a Chyrsler then it had to be a Buick.

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There's something to be said for dying young.