
Lose your outrage over who people did or didn’t vote for. Save it for the 47% of eligible folks who didn’t vote at all.

Curt needs to call his AA sponsor ASAP.

Does she also cling to the old-fashioned belief that women shouldn’t vote?

Nah. That’s just what alcoholism looks like.

Curt looks like someone who needs to go to AA

THIS. One thousand fucking times, THIS.

The nanny forgot to put her down.

Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women, man.

Curt needs a drink.

“Don King is a slimy, reptilian motherfucker.”

Once again HamNo is wildly off-base.

Could it be? Naw....

Working a half-day today, eh?

...........‘cause the ‘Ning made it to the conference finals while the ‘perennial powerhouse’ Wings barely made the playoffs and are going nowhere anytime soon?

Talk Lindstrom out of retirement?

Was gonna say somewhere right now this man is likely laughing his ass off, while eating hot dogs out of the Stanley Cup.

Curt needs to STFU and get to an AA meeting.

Brooks is such a hack and a troll, he couldn't get hired to write for Deadspin.