Serious question: how does a town at that latitude, with this number of fool-hardy, cheese-eating, cheap-beer swilling yabbos NOT have a NHL franchise?!?
Serious question: how does a town at that latitude, with this number of fool-hardy, cheese-eating, cheap-beer swilling yabbos NOT have a NHL franchise?!?
Boom hears ya. And Boom don't care
It's 'cause the Flyers came back to beat the 'Yotes, duh. Check the calendar, it's hockey season, bitches...
It's also a realm where subtle humor, dry wit and iriony often go unappreciated and no one gets the fucking joke about 75% of the time. Hence, rampant trollery.......
I was with you all the way until you said you shook hands with a Rangers fan.
I commend him for his forthrightness, but do think he went a tad over the line when he added " but Romo's still a homo."
Ha! Yeah, your right . I'd rather freeze my balls off every winter than be surrounded by infantile yuppie tech dickbags who ruin everything. You can have it, tough guy .
Nah, I lived SF a while back. It's filled with elitist, entitled, assholes, wanna-be anarchist hipsters with septum piercings making bathtub Oxycontin, bitter acid casualty hippies, and a massive homeless population that fills the city parks. Add all that to paying $3500/mo to live in a lead-painted closet with no…
Game on!
I'm pretty sure Benzedrine was available OTC until about 1959 or so. It was very widely prescribed, even to children and chemically pretty similar to meth. So tragic as the story is, it nothing really new...
"Just as long as you don't say it with a lisp, everything will be fine. " -V. Putin
Da, comrade +1
He just knows the NHL regular season is meaningless.
Yet, ironically, unlike European football, he didn't roll around in the ice for 10 minutes holding his leg after being knocked down...
Wilson was just trying to impress the Bruins scouts at the game.