Douchebag Mahoney

Finally, I’m not alone on this one!

Could have been shortened to “I met a lot of interesting people.” If you’re keeping a running list of the few instances you’ve interacted with non-straight white people, then I don’t recommend choosing this hill to die on.

Um, hello?  How are they supposed to get in the rectangle if all four sides are taped off?

By god that’s a golden idea if I ever heard one. Somebody get this guy a million dollars, stat. You’re on your way to greatness, son.  And don’t let ‘em get you down kid.  They’ll try to tell you it’d never work, but they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.  You keep your nose to the grindstone and you’ll

In thanks all I can say is what Günter would say,

Just because...

Poor guy

His (or anyone else’s) cleft chin is not a deformity, but rather a Mendelian trait (like my wily eyebrows and crooked nose, or your hypersensitive offense radar) that manifests where the two halves of the fetal mandibles fuse together. It causes no physical symptoms, and if he’s self-conscious about it, plastic surgery

TL;DR: 2018 is a total fluke because CHIN.

Sorry Asst. Coach Smith, while I appreciate that you’re trying to lay the groundwork for someone to hire you, the answer is still no.

This is how it works is almost every - if not every - state that has a personal income tax.

No, the opposite. In most cases, if it is earned in/from CA (i.e. a CA source), it is taxed in CA, without regard to where the paying entity is based or where the employee/contractor lives.

Don’t fool yourself and make an expensive mistake. We’re talking state laws here, but CA specifically taxes income generated from a CA source, i.e. where the services are performed. The source of your CA income is not affected by either of the following:

Not to give police the benefit of the doubt, but Louisiana has a “shoot the carjacker law” that specifically allows the use of deadly force to repel a carjacker. So it was a pretty clear-cut case as far as the police go in this instance.

0.95 out of 1 star. -0.25 for admitting you were offended on Deadspin, but +0.20 bonus for historical accuracy.

Same over here, although the magnificent irony of me having to give it a STAR, of all things, felt a little wrong when I did it. Oh well, no backsies.

Very happy to hear that Drew is not dead.  Hooray Drew!

“I’d rather not.  He was all thumbs.”

Always remember, anytime you smell someone’s shit or fahrt, those actual physical molecules that are now stuck to your olfactory epithelium (i.e. inside your face) were hotboxing inside someone’s asshole literal seconds ago.

Any time a judge uses his or her platform to smoke a frivolous douchebag plaintiff, I think it is a wise use of court resources.