Douchebag Mahoney

And the patterns of brain activity, including gamma, that the team documented in the man as he died resembled the patterns seen in people who are dreaming or recalling memories.

The presence of a TBI discounts everything. Maybe you only see the flash if your brain gets scrambled by some other injury. If you just drop dead? Nothing. Just a hypothesis.

These dogs are most certainly more deserving of human compassion and love than say, Jim Spanfeller (who by the way, if you didn’t know, has an email address: That stain deserves to hear why a dog is more noble and deserving of human love and affection than he is.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

It’s ok, Nats fans. Should they lose in Houston, just remember that the real treasure were the boos rained on diaper-baby presidents along the way.


Nope. Nagy had the option of trying to get the ball closer for an easier kick in Philly. He chose not to and said he would learn from that mistake.

Pelicans come to mind.

I’d invite you to visit Dallas sometime and meet a few select members of the Cult of Silver and Blue. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and unearned entitlement.

St.Louis is probably pretty close, actually. This take is about the writers who will pontificate and naval gaze about what their team “means.” Boston writers are pretty obnoxious about making everything a provincial “Boston vs the World” dick measuring contest, but you’ve gotta disrespect the way Cardinal writers talk

Can you guys ask the venture capitalists to make articles take up less space? It’s kind of hard for me to watch both of the “recent videos” that started playing in two separate places when I’ve got four or five lines of text distracting me.

I don’t know who is driving Deadspin into the ditch, but they have a lead fucking foot. Autoplay ads with no ability to opt out? drop down ads that cover half the page? When do we get the viruses?  Get bent.

Spanfucker and his cronies are jacking each other off on their cocaine cruise while draining G/O’s coffers with outrageous salaries. When they’ve finally milked it (and themselves) they’ll all buy new underwear and look for their next victim. These are vile, hateful, greedy people who don’t give a shit about anything

are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out.

I’m convinced the new owners of deadspin bought a massive insurance plan and are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out. Good article Chris, too bad a half dozen ads and autoplay videos crash it every paragraph. 

So he’s your typical Trump voter, a white guy with money who talks a big game, but would fold in an instant if you so much as looked at him with any intent. “SOMEONE NOTICED MY TWEET?! DELETE MY ENTIRE ACCOUNT!” is a pussy ass bitch move just like his hero, president pussy ass bitch.

Being a HURR BASEBALL MAN, he holds the Constitution’s unwritten rules in higher regard than the written ones.

(Cardinals were there first)

Why is it the English only freaks are the ones with the worst grammar, spelling and punctuation?