No, the opposite. In most cases, if it is earned in/from CA (i.e. a CA source), it is taxed in CA, without regard to where the paying entity is based or where the employee/contractor lives.
No, the opposite. In most cases, if it is earned in/from CA (i.e. a CA source), it is taxed in CA, without regard to where the paying entity is based or where the employee/contractor lives.
Don’t fool yourself and make an expensive mistake. We’re talking state laws here, but CA specifically taxes income generated from a CA source, i.e. where the services are performed. The source of your CA income is not affected by either of the following:
Not to give police the benefit of the doubt, but Louisiana has a “shoot the carjacker law” that specifically allows the use of deadly force to repel a carjacker. So it was a pretty clear-cut case as far as the police go in this instance.
0.95 out of 1 star. -0.25 for admitting you were offended on Deadspin, but +0.20 bonus for historical accuracy.
Same over here, although the magnificent irony of me having to give it a STAR, of all things, felt a little wrong when I did it. Oh well, no backsies.
Very happy to hear that Drew is not dead. Hooray Drew!
“I’d rather not. He was all thumbs.”
Any time a judge uses his or her platform to smoke a frivolous douchebag plaintiff, I think it is a wise use of court resources.
It’s neck and neck between them, the current incarnation of Gruden’s Raiders, and Matt Millen’s Lions.
Close. Trump Parasitic Syndrome. But either way he’s getting in your butt without permission.
No. I thought that might be him to the left of Peyton’s giant head, but it’s just the old Denver D logo. This group represents Elway’s breed sufficiently well though
That bunch is not easy on the eyes. Hide the feed bags!
Nice reaction time there, DangerSparkle. Are those mittens? And why do you look like you’re hoping they have open auditions for a fictional sequel to the 1985 biopic Mask?
Get well soon Drew!
Nope, just somebody in a Hellboy mask.
He doesn’t go to Twitter for answers. He gets those from Brietbart and his dementia-addled dreams
But for HOFers looking solely at their peak stretches, as far as who would be on my hand-selected staff, I’d have to go with a rotation that included Randy Johnson, Steve Carlton, Bob Gibson, Greg Maddux, and Tom Seaver.