Douchebag Mahoney

Can I get honorable mentions for Floyd Mayweather and John Ruiz? Both were infuriatingly boring to watch win.

I feel you too bud.

Zach Ertz’s charge looked eerily like my first semi-pro carry, which was also destroyed by a former LSU DB. Two carries and five yards later I was retired.  Let’s hope Zach’s pride is more resilient than mine was.

I’ll give you my F and my M in exchange for two more Ks, plus masturbating and lifelong bachelorhood.


Right on cue

Eli: [Stares inexplicably in direction of unrelated third grave, mouth agape, dumbfounded]

Elway was pretty cavalier in his comments. He must have some proud flesh to be able to amble around with comments like that. Elway didn’t even get a leg up from saying it.  It was all to make sure Elway felt like Kap’s martingale was in place.

You must be here with me in Arizona.

All that “respecting Roe v. Wade as settled precedent” means is that it will require the SC to come out and say that it is overturned in an opinion. It is far different from saying he’ll respect it as “settled law, “the right answer,” or “a fundamental right.” She is either horribly naive or willfully helping him obfu

Thanks to almost everyone for answering! I appreciate you taking the time to give me some background on it. Very helpful!

Which question are you flippantly responding to?

I didn’t want to know what some random news sites said that someone else had to say about it. I value the opinions of you shitheads more.

You might look closer at my profile pic and find that it isn’t what you think. My name is my name. Sorry if you didn’t like my comment.  I tried hard to make sure that it wasn’t offensive, but it was a genuine question.

Cool story. Glad to see Rhea was able to get back into loving the game so easily.

I was sold on Durkin being a shit until I saw this picture. Now I’m wondering if this was just this cop finding a clever new way to kill black people.

But how did Jonny 5 get to the other planet to make all the little Wall-E’s?  That is the real elephant in the room that no one ever wants to address!

Can you imagine what kind of conspiracy theories Pete Carroll would come up with if they went to a microchipped ball to determine first downs/touchdowns?!

The 4-year contract carries little weight, because teams regularly renegotiate player contracts in this manner, and teams rarely honor the later years if it is not advantageous for the team. Thomas is showing that can be a two-way street.

They seem to be have been fine with him skipping, and many veteran players don’t follow/participate fully in their team’s practice schedule. It’s not something I’d want added to the rulebook, but I’m sure it is adequately addressed in his contract.   Not sure what you expect.