Douchebag Mahoney

I don't think its terrible in a truly academic setting for a JD to want to be called a doctor, especially since some of the American universities have ditched the Latin "Juris Doctor" and actually started awarding the degree under the English translation of "Doctor of Jurisprudence." That being said, I have a JD, and

You know Tuff Teddy Roosevelt must've gotten a tattoo of Betty Boop riding an anchor or some shit on his chubby little ass. He was all about being recreationally tuff.

Now playing

I present Keith Askins - Doug Edward for your consideration. (at 4:00 mark)

What's KP going to do, be old at you until you give in? Or would he just be relentlessly needy on Twitter until you have to change accounts?

I haven't researched this, but I'm going the lazy route first and asking:

they call it the "arrrrbitrator."

The fact that there is a Universal Soldier standing next to a relatively unprotected K-9 cop told me this was overkill. Well, actually, I guess the more than one officer police presence really tipped me off that overkill was inevitable.

I actually saw this guy play 48ish minutes against the Suns and walk under his own power to the locker room...AFTER the game! I'm serious you guys! No bullshit!

I still have a napkin signed "To [Douchebag], All My Best, Al Dark" that my grandfather got for me when I was a kid

The truly great thing is that you don't have to/get to believe in (or not believe in) something that is a fact. Evolution is a fact, so it is self-proving. It's kind of like saying "I don't believe in pencils," or "I believe Godzilla was a documentary." There is no reason to even discuss those "beliefs" except in a

I have one, and now that I've cut out jerkin' my gherkin (in the shower), I'm averaging about 19 minutes. Plenty of time to listen to 1/3 of a podcast.

you can do a lot just by knocking your boots before you get in

Yes, Miami's image in the 80's was pristine as the driven Colombian snow.

If only you could see past your giant intellect.

I know that I'm kind of focusing on the wrong part of the story here, and I agree with the vast majority of what you said, but I have to question this statement:

I don't watch the Giants every week, but I thought Reuben Randle fit the tall receiver need at 6'3" with a 31" vertical and 77" wingspan, plus being a solid 205-210 lbs. I just haven't seen them toss it up and let him fight for it.

Please clarify which is correct:

How do I un-focus on a whole pic?

That was some scurry shit. Like one of those goddamned halloween videos from your aunt where you get all involved trying to navigate your mouse through a maze, and then...WHAM! Sam Cassell in a Chris Kaman mask.

Seems a little flippant. It'll probably cause some bickering in the Deadspin locker room. Next thing you know, he'll be asking for a massage.