Handshakes and football. That's what Maryland does...poorly.
Handshakes and football. That's what Maryland does...poorly.
What I thought I had just read...
Reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyyy? Where exactly in Long Beach do you live, sweety? ;)
Cop: What have you had to drink tonight?
Is this what passes for riot gear in the Mission District?
Well played.
Yeah, I misread your first reply.
My dog's anus. It is 82 degrees F.
My dog's anus. It is 82 degrees F.
Such a shame to see any young life end like this.
I'm with you on the Pecan Porter. I haven't tried the others. I've intentionally avoided Don Jalapeno, but I'm happy with Ridgeback especially.
That would make me happy if it is true for all Lone Star.
Fireman's is on tap in a good number of places around Houston, but I agree that it's not on many shelves. If you are in Texas, try Spec's or even HEB or Kroger.
Yeah the Red one was good. I think it had some grapefruit in it somehow. There's also a brewery called Joker King in Austin that wins all the awards around here, but I haven't had a chance to try anything from there yet.
Finally, someone agrees with me! They should spend more time pushing this stuff and their White Wing (which you may recognize from those weird bird shit/beer cap commercials) and leave the Bock to fend for itself. To me, this is one of the more refreshing beers you can grab, so thanks for the review. Also, since it…
What? He said he'd visit her more right there in #24! Whaddaya want from this guy, a freakin' video tape?
You sound so enlightened and civil and not disgusting at all. The world is lucky to have gentlemanly scholars like you to ensure 150 year old war references remain relevant, and to make sure that no poor or uneducated souls ever even think of living in the colonies. Keep fighting the good fight. God save the Queen.
For example, unprotected oral sex immediately after brushing your teeth, which can cause small tears in the gums, can be riskier than protected vaginal sex. Under the right circumstances, the inverse can be true as well.
How are you supposed to balance the home-worker's need to get out of the house at the end of the day, and the commuter's exhaustion and elation at finally arriving home? I feel terrible shooting down plans when my wife is going stir crazy, but usually I've just worked a high stress 8-12 hour day, plus an hour or more…