that's what I'm sayin'. but at least they kept it in the family this time by just fucking the cardinal.
that's what I'm sayin'. but at least they kept it in the family this time by just fucking the cardinal.
Aw shucks angry guy, no need to congratulate me. I'm just glad I could contribute to the team.
This just in...In their first act as the capitol state of football, Mississippi governor announces that beginning next week, all teams in the state will field separate but equal "Whites Only" and "Coloreds Only" teams.
The Jamboroo prophecy's fulfillment has begun.
Not trying to be cool. Just trying to make sure people get their shriveled genital knowledge right, and know that you can juice and still have a big crank (no direct experience here with that one.)
Then you've been reading the wrong stuff, my friend. It's the gonads that shrivel, not the peen itself. 1st hand experience speaking.
Here's an interesting tidbit...guys with brains and self-confidence don't particularly enjoy being around "cool girls." Girls who like some of the same things I like? Sure, that's awesome. But in my experience, most "cool girls" tend to bring little to the table other than transparent insecurity. I'd much rather…
Now THAT'S some funny shit right there.
If you stand up, and take two steps to the right, then look at your screen, I think you can see her nip!
These kids need to grow up. There's no excuse for FOUR of you huddling up under a man's gameday tent and crying, no matter how bad it got.
This was the scariest shit I've seen in a long time
I'll take the one in the middle. She can pick which hand gesture I use.
10. Scotty Brooks, Oklahoma City Thunder "coach"
I have always despised painting, but those little sharpshooter brushes are a godsend for cutting out and small jobs. They really do reduce the stress and cramping in your hands and forearms, and at around $5 each (at Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.), you can't beat it.
Fuck that Canadian nobody. He wouldn't have said that shit to Mike without cameras around. He was close to joining the long list of people that Mike made famous by blasting their soul out of their body with his fists.
"RAE CARRUTH" is an illegal word. They covered their bases here.
I was 16 years old. I grew up in southwest Louisiana, and we had a boat slip measuring about 6-8 feet deep, and about 30 feet wide that was cut from the river and ran along one side of our house. There were about six steps that led off of a deck from which you could walk down into the slip where your boat would…
If he is signed to the Cowboys practice squad, and thereby is really practicing against the guys who suit up as Cowboys every week, doesn't that make him a Reverse Cowboy?