
And, if you move out of state and change insurance companies, your old one will report you as uninsured to New York, and New York will then suspend the license you turned in to your new state and no longer posses and revoke the car registration you no longer have.

You guys. You guys.

I think its a mistake to remove all of these monuments. The Civil War was about more than slavery, and the men who fought for the South were not all dyed in the wool slave owners/proponents of slavery. Some of those men were fighting for their homes, where they were born and raised, so to a degree, I understand the

It’s true. Everyone simply expires peacefully, at the natural and fitting time that was ordained to be the end of his or her life, and at a point when no medical intervention could do anything to stop or even delay it. Also, the cheque is in the mail; you get this, and I’ll get the next one; I’ll definitely call you;

“You know, that line is so indefensible. Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care.

That’s not how any of this works....

Don’t listen to these pansy ass liberals. Obama’s presidency was awful - here are some of the things that the liberal media won’t cover that the Republicans (good on them!) won’t tolerate:

I think you mean Douché

These fiscal conservatives sure to do spend a lot.

Bucking ham Palace

“What can we say about the man and his extravagant, lazy lifestyle that the man himself didn’t already tweet about Obama?”

Archaeologists of the future/from other planets are going to have a field day with us, for sure... :P

Are you casting shade on me?

Oh, we gave him some sh1t about it alright.

The first time I was over there, I was in the green zone. There was a place everyone called the “white house” about a mile away from the haji mart near the republican guard palace on the river.
There were pallets oh Jim Beam and Jack Daniels shipped in to be used for bribes (my guess). Those all seemed to somehow end

When I deployed over a decade ago, we used to get our booze smuggled through contractors. That was peak of deployment back then and can of Smirnoff vodka fetched 20 bucks . It was good side gig for all the parties involved. But nobody did it in bulk like these guys and I bet it was locally sourced (have anybody even

I scrolled through that whole link of four Ethiopian women working as prostitutes, and there was not a picture of any of them. Damn waste of my time.

*DB Pooper

The notable bits (emphasis mine):