
But we haven’t had NEARLY 500 days of Kirsten.

Workers aren’t even seen as a commodity. They are an expense. Today’s super robber barons want their perceived liability of labor costs to disappear. They have absolute contempt for the human beings in their employ.

When Obama gave his speech at the 2004 DNC everyone was sure that this guy could be the first African-American president.

Yeah, that’s what I thought it was about. His throwing the food away is not a protest, but rather self-preservation. It’s his decision that he can’t trust the food and eat it without fear that it was tampered with.

So you’d be fine with her being in blackface and playing a black role?

So what if other cis actors have played trans people? Why is she being so fucking petulant, and refusing to take a principled stance about this? We (and Hollywood, I thought) are more sensitive to this issue now, and LISTEN to others’ experiences and views, there’s no excuse for this type of ignorant and offensive

Get out of here with your rational take on the matter!

I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this but my take is Scarlett Johansson is conventionally attractive and a bonefide star, proven as a lead capable of carrying a movie?

My Trump-loving Father and I got into our monthly blow up yesterday about this very thing. He had the nerve to call me delusional for saying that R v. W is gonna be one of the first things our new republican overlords will go after. He told me to “get off the script” for saying this administration is coming for us

And yet you have no problem working for a man who signed an executive order to protect “religious liberties” to allow so-called “Christians” to deny service to anyone they don’t like (also known as people of color and those who are LGBTQIA). Of all the lies that have spewed forth from your vile mouth, “I always do my

Dear Newsweak:

Honestly I would way rather have French onion dip, but I know most folks round these parts turn their nose at such things.



All right, back to Jalop with you now.

I listened to daytime right-wing talk radio for a few years in the early to mid ‘90s. Boortz, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. 1) I >needed< to slow down as I was getting WAY too many tickets cause I tend to speed when listening to rock 2) sorta a know your enemy thing. Hannity is slime-and other, worse, things. But, someone

Tragically, I think you are correct.

While I have to believe that North Korea has something up their sleeve, the optics of this one won’t help mid-terms.