
exactly. a rentberry competitor will make it a one-time fee I’m sure, just because there’s no added value past the first transaction.

These guys are taking a regular cut, not just taking a transaction fee. Once I’ve rented the apartment, what do I need Rentberry for? Saving me 5% gets them 25% of my savings, monthly? Why? If I need someone to get me something, I won’t begrudge him his taste. But I’m not paying him a monthly Appreciation Fee, either.

I have a feeling that the profit being ‘small’ was up for debate. Also, they’re making a profit when they could have easily just said “oh, by the way... Jim two tents over doesn’t smoke. Maybe he’ll trade you for some chocolate.” (Granted, that applies more for the circumstances of being in a POW camp, and trying to

Having a problem with this particular intermediary doesn’t mean that one is automatically opposed to all intermediaries. If an middleman can make a problematic process run more smoothly, and charge an appropriate fee in the process, great. Rentberry sounds like a solution in search of a problem.

“How on earth can they justify taking a cut of the rent going forward?”

This is the new normal for the app-based start-up society we’ve become:

How on earth can they justify taking a cut of the rent going forward? Even if they provided some value in connecting renters and landlords (dubious), I don’t see how there’s any value from Rentberry after that.

This is a good and thoughtful list. I assume none of your family have prescription medecine needs, if they do then a month’s worth. Also a couple of Zpacs, you won’t miss antibiotics until you need them desperately.

I can tell you from experience that women are just as awful and depraved as men and do the same stuff given the chance and this article speaks to that fact.

You’ve have drunk the southern koolaid.

The South was never going to win the war.

Um, no. Read just about every Civil War history ever written. The South never had a real chance.

There would be as much free movement as there is now between states and countries. Unless the Governments of one or the other becomes incredibly protectionist and isolationist.

that’s not even close to what I was saying.

Someone’s still salty about losing the War of Northern Aggression.

This is absolutely true, but it is also absolutely proof that they are in fact stupid.

Just....stop. This is the sort of thing that fueled Orangepeel McJowlyneck’s rise to power in the first place—a revulsion towards what his fans see as whiny LIBRUAL LIBTARDY types who can’t deal with the tougher aspects of life. It’s not true, of course, but threatening to leave because of how shitty things have

but secession worked so well the last time.