
On the flip side, women tend to misstate their real preferences about men anyway.

“So-called benevolent sexism/paternalism at work” It’s not just sexism and paternalism. It is currently fashionable to see stories about how men are the past and women are the future, that women are better at all the soft skills needed in business, and so on. This story shows that those stories need to be taken with a

I disagree. The state concept is highly flexible if people really want to follow it. I am liberal but a better combination of state vs federal policy would help a lot. Balkanizing into totally separate nations would probably do little to help our situation, which requires cooperation more than competition.

I must agree with this article. Blue state secession talk just gives more fodder to those who think it’s easier to give in to Trump than to try to make our union stronger. If we made it through the Civil War we can make it through Trump.

Thank you. I don’t know if any of the women in this thread will accept your opinion, but you sound like someone who gets it. Thanks again.

Thank you for saying that - from a fellow man.

“There’s definitely a way to be communicative but not harsh.” I think the other women in this thread disagree with you. They go with “you didn’t get the job done.”

“Compatible/incompatible is probably a more accurate way to phrase things” And yet the judgmental article says this is a “duh” and somewhere in the comments someone wrote “you didn’t get the job done” - or as Donald Trump likes to say, “You’re fired!”

What an extremely judgmental article.

“but simply listening and observing is usually enough.” so you fall into the no sex ed needed camp? 

I can see why you’re confused. But your confusion clears - as it did for me - once I realized the Republicans don’t care about real reasons. They slapped together a pastiche of lame justifications underwritten by a basic mean-spirited and inhumane logic of maximum greed and minimum empathy. Trump and DeVos are the

Jeopardy is the least impressive of those on the list. Chess, Go, and poker (soon I guess) are much more impressive and don’t rely on things that can be easily explained away as inherently better in a machine (reaction time).

Some of the best reactions listed here:

Frederick Douglass wouldn’t vote for Trump if they disinterred him (R.I.P.) and tried to get his bony hand to pull the lever. What most people are learning now is what the rest of us have known for way too long - all too many Republicans (largely descendants of the racist Dixiecrats) are just shameless. Even with all

Yes indeed.

And so flowed the Mighty Waters, as it were!

A simple ‘Thank you’ would suffice.

Frakenstein’s subtitle is The Modern Prometheus. So if what you say is true, the reason many sci-fi stories use this story line is because it dates back to the myth of Prometheus.

He wrote “Europan ocean” - probably the ocean of Jupiter’s moon Europa.

After my initial shock at Trump’s tweets, I realized what “better” timing for such a response. It reeks of a calculated tactic to disrespect the most honorable men from the civil rights efforts of the 1960s. Predictably, conservative trolls have infested comment sections claiming that Rep. Lewis doesn’t get “special