
I don't see how people are arguing with this article in the attempt to use Good Ol' Fashioned Farm Sense. This isn't really up for debate in any conventional way. There are loads of studies that link sleep deprivation to a lack of insulin regulation and diabetes, obesity, memory loss, emotional dysfunction and a

I am physical. My collection is physical. I have complete control and ownership over physical. Take that away, and I just stop buying.

"...nobody cares about not having CDs any more..." Yeah, except for the millions of consumers who feel completely differently about the matter.

Does he have the right to use the official MBTA logo? Maybe if he hadn't lifted the official logo and put it on his own map they wouldn't have confused it for the real one.

Why are there feet? She's not supposed to have feet. No feet. Feet? Why?...

Can you tell me a reason why a publisher would ever allow their game to be paid for once, and shared digitally out to 10 different people? Publishers hate used games, but this seems like it would have an even worse financial impact than used games would.

What if I just use logic to cut down his argument instead. It's very simple. An open family share plan that allowed games to be shared with no limitations (except one person can play each shared game at a time) would cause a MASSIVE amount of profit loss for publishers and microsoft. It completely contradicts their

Who the hell knows? MS themselves have been vague, confusing, and contradictory this whole time. However, keep in mind that naturally now they would make it sound as awesome as possible because they have sour grapes over the backlash.

Ignore the PR and look at the logic. Ask any publisher if they're OK with a system that lets one person buy a game, and 10 of his friends are given a means to play the whole thing, for free (although not all at once). They will all tell you NO.

It's impressive they never confirmed how exactly it would work when it existed, now that it is dead it is the most awesome feature EVER! *eyes rolling*

Look at it this way......WHY in the bloody blue hell would MS, ANY publisher or 90% of developers even begin to consider losing out on the potential of 9 $60 sales? Seriously, why would they even think about thinking about the notion of 9 people getting to play a copy of their $60 game FOR FREE....They wouldn't so

No Buttstallion? Jesus Gearbox, da faq you doin?

False, Mythbusters did it.

The "family mode" that the xbone fanboys were claiming would be amazing? It was a timed demo mode between 15-60 minutes, with limits on numbers times you could do it.

Because right now, you can trade a game to your friend in return for one of their games. Or sell it on Ebay. Or just give it to someone.

Damn you mean no game sharing which is all it was going to be anyway......Oops no scamming the system anymore.....You do realize that with the game sharing everyone was jerkin it all over, you lost access to the game itself when any of the other people were using them right???? Yep NO LOSS there at all....Nothing but

The problem that Microsoft failed to do was give options, the PR was non-existent and numerous other problems.

Microsoft bought this on themselves frankly. The Xbox One was basically banned the other day on all FOB's/Bases because of the internet connection requirement. Security risk (because of the Kinect) and all.

Only a real sucker would pay for "innovation" with their consumer rights.

"..driven by those that had no intention of EVER purchasing an Xbox console.." Really? Pre-orders speak pretty loud and clear. People put their money on the table. I think it was just those numbers that made them think.