Hooray for physical video game copies!
Hooray for physical video game copies!
If you honestly believe MS DRM will result in $30 Day One games on XBL, gimme some of that kool-aid. Games will remain $60 as long as they sell at $60.
Sony wants to move you to digital by making it easier to do digital.
Thanks, my mom says I say smart stuff all the time.
Ugh, this is why I never update my stuff until the updates been out for a while. We had one of those really nice backwards compatible 80 gig ps3s and one of the updates fried it :( Had to get a new one that wasn't backwards compatible.
I will always choose the disc-based copy of a game over it's digital counterpart - I like having a physical library of games and that experience of opening a game for the first time. Digital downloads will never, ever be my primary source of games and if the industry attempts to force that market, I will not consider…
Here's the big difference:
I love my physical copies. I love collecting games. I get my games through Amazon with Amazon Prime and its great. I am just one that will stick with physical media as long as its an option. I see no hassle in it. It is simply clicking a freaking couple of buttons. How lazy can we get?
The PR machine never stops...
To me, even the XBOne games were lackluster when it came to persuading me towards the system. Considering Titanfall and Project Spark are coming to Windows 8 (which I have), I don't see a distinct reason to purchase it.
A lot of gaming now is about cross-platform deployment. It's a safe bet that block buster games…
I don't remember anyone ever calling it the next dreamcast. It was a success as soon as it came out. Maybe the original xbox was considered that when it first came out (no evidence supporting that though)
The reason I'm going with PS4 is the following:
You're right... no human being... would stack books like this.
I thought Jack Tretton's response yesterday was pretty clear (Reference Link)
What at all is vague about this?
"Sony says: “Our used game position for PS4 is exactly the same as PS3, which publishers and consumers broadly support today."
I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just question what is actually vague here. I really never like to read too far into the author of an article but something…
"Our used game position for PS4 is exactly the same as PS3, which publishers and consumers broadly support today. In fact, all publishers we’ve spoken to are in agreement with our position"
Microsoft doesn't deserve soft blows.
Seriously. I'm okay if you like the Xbox One because of Kinect, the exclusives, the multimedia presentation. But this is the beginning of the end of actual game ownership, and if you're a gamer, this is bad news, flat out. When people roll over after restrictions like this and…
Maybe you should get your facts straight before making yourself look like an idiot. What they said was that it's up to publishers if they want to put in those codes for online game play or not. You will be able to play every PS4 game offline if you buy it used or borrow it from your friend, you MAY not be able to play…
It was stated by Sony that any DRM is the same as it is now on the PS3. The only DRM that is currently enforced by some publishers is the multiplayer access passes. Like what EA was doing. There is no console wide DRM like on the X1. The X1 will make you register the game to your account and the game can only be…
No they weren't caught lying, this is just a fantasy you're having because fanboys are stupid. Similar to the fantasy you're having of Sony claiming that square enix games were all exclusive.