PS4: Second Son becomes a launch title.
PS4: Second Son becomes a launch title.
The X1 is already a media device made by Comcast, and one major publisher has already agreed to make games for it, so Microsoft could not call it that without inviting a lawsuit.
The X1 is a media device made by Comcast, and at least one major publisher has committed to making games for it so there's no way that Microsoft could publicly use that without inviting a lawsuit.
Cabinet? I think you mean Museum of Video Game History.
That hazy, looking through piss-colored glasses look of the LCD screen makes me weep. I hope my launch Vita never dies.
And they're throwing money at R&D to solve the wrong problem. I see 3DS advertisements everywhere but nary a peep about the Vita, so at least there won't be any ads proclaiming, "Playstation Vita! Now with a shitty screen!"
The Gates quote is likely misattributed. Bummer.
On the other hand, Bill Gates once said:
And climb well, and chew through 67 inches of solid concrete.
You threw out Harry Potmouse!
Of course, it would have been trimmed to, "Five Tricks I Used to Beat my Meat..." on mobile, and hilarity would have ensued. Ensued, I say!
Have a snack. Eat 20 almonds or 5 oz of greek yogurt.
The way these LE 3DS XLs sell after they're no longer available at retail, just buy two and sell one in a few months to break even.
Most home burglaries occur when the occupants aren't home, and, next to cold, hard cash, firearms are highly sought after because their value goes up on the black market, they're small, light and easy to conceal (compared to televisions and other big ticket items), and their theft often goes unreported.
Frankly, I think having Wii at all in it was a mistake. Sure, it's anecdotal, but most Wii owners I know had largely given up on their Wii and associate the name a system they're bored with. I think they should have gone in an entirely different direction.
Should have been the sWiiquel.
It still represents an expense of R&D and marketing that could be spent elsewhere, possibly on product more important to the disgruntled gamer. Or perhaps they'd have simply rather had a price drop on the existing systems. Maybe they want to buy a system for their child and were hoping it would better meet their…
I'm not sure it will fly with the under 10s either, though, because for those kids, it primarily has to be sold to their parents, and the always exposed screen and switch-to-sleep (instead of the intuitive and simple close) could be turn-offs for parents in-the-know, and those parents that aren't game knowledgeable…