
Keep in mind, downloading games is not the only thing the Internet would be used for.

You are correct that in terms of consoles sold, the PS3 took a slight advantage earlier this year - a big miss on my part - so I am clearly wrong on that point! A slight shift in my argument would render it somewhat valid, though: by considering the ecosystem of each console - including games and subscription revenue

Or, like Reggie Fils-Aime basically said, Nintendo games are traded less because they're good. So devs/publishers could always try that option.

Well, the 3DS did just pull ahead of the 360 in sales, so maybe the big N has some big mo?

I'm concerned that it will over-promise and under-deliver, like every other game like it in the past.

Launch games are typically disappointing anyway (usually just *slightly* shinier current gen games), and the truly great games are years away. Because of that, I feel like the system and its policies is the deservedly larger story. No matter your position, it would be hard to say it's not a radical change.

The perception out of E3 when the the Ps3 and 360 were launched was that Microsoft was humbly appealing to core gamers and that SONY was arrogantly pushing pricey, unwanted, non-gaming technology with their console and hoping the success of the PS2 would be enough to drive PS3 sales.

Free to all...or free to Gold? I suspect therein lies the answer to the question you begged.

I'll bet the truth is a little from column A and a little from column B.

If only there was some sort of way you could not read this particular post. Someone should invent that. A blog skipinator. I'm an evil genius! I'll make tens of dollars!

I'm just thankful my character is nothing like me. I can't get a fish off the hook to save my life.

Hair is overrated. It just creates unnecessary drag.

It would be funny if it was the same designer. They must've thought to themselves:

I don't think most people want the eye. I don't even think a majority of XBone fans want Kinect; it reminds me of Blu-Ray during the PS3 launch. At the time, it was considered an unnecessary media-focused add-in that only drove up the cost of the machine. Perhaps including it will result in a more meaningful gaming

I was wondering if they were sourcing some of the same parts for this and the XBone or changed something in the build that made sense on the bottom line for them. It certainly didn't need a redesign.

In addition to all of the unsupported countries, over 20% of all consoles sold this generation have never been online, so you're right that they're ignoring a big chunk of customers. The most amusing thing is - for those who will be buying an XBone - Microsoft will seek to replace that lost revenue from you.

Dating sims.

How can smart people say such stupid things?

Selling out of preorders is not an indicator of success. That also happened with current gen consoles, but the PS3 struggled for years and ultimately came up short compared to the 360.

My apologies, I meant never allowed with the PS4. And I think you're right about this generation being the last with physical discs, and as someone who still buys vinyl, it's going to be a painful transition for me.