
As somebody who is fully on Amber’s side in this whole Johnny thing. . . I had the exact same thought. That is 100% Jason Mamoa’s aesthetic and always has been. 

I don’t think “dressing like Johnny Depp” and “dressing like Jason Mamoa,” (including favoring multiple rings), are different enough things that you can confidently ascribe malicious intent.

I’ve gone back and forth on this one. On the one hand, I am irritated that Jezebel and the Root refuse to touch this.

Because it’s based on an old JRPG, the story of FF7 is going to have these weird awkward moments of clashing virtues

Andrea also, along with Madam M and Chocobo Sam, trafficked women and girls to a serial rapist and murderer.

counterpoint, you SHOULD know what happened in the first season if you want to follow the second season

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that said cryptofascist turn — and I think it is a turn, since the retcon largely occurs pretty late in the Legends canon -- happened around 2000 or so!

Warring States era Galaxy is such a good idea (and such a good capstone on the whole saga!) that I’m convinced there’s no chance they’ll actually do it

Great piece. At this point, it seems pretty clear what happened: the most centrist elements of the rebellion managed — through the invocation of traditional institutions like the Senate and to some extent the Jedi — to win leadership of the Rebellion’s coalition, and then the war. But they weren’t able to meaningfully

I’m really hoping we don’t see a NEW NEW New Republic in episode not 10 with Rey. just let the different systems govern themselves or form smaller collectives. that leads to way more interesting dynamics than a galaxy wide governing body ever did.

Legends canon is essentially cryptofascist in it’s depiction of the fall of the NR that culminated in the Yuuzhan Vong War. The big reveal in that plot was that Thrawn and Palpatine had some knowledge of the Vong and everything the empire did was in preparation for the apocolyptic invasion they knew was coming. At

Man, you really thought you did something there, huh? 

I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as “full speed ahead.”

Is a nuclear test site that shut 65 years ago, and has been pointed to as a failure of American environmental policy, really meant to be a ‘gotcha’ here?

Yikes wtf

Customers pitting themselves against workers—a capitalism specialty

The idea of trying to enjoy art without acknowledging the conditions under which that art was created is just so foreign to me.

I don’t think you’ve had any good DMs.

Leaving out key factors while writing articles is Candace’s modus operandi.

I suspect that experimental fiction is probably the wrong place to look for accurate descriptions of orbital mechanics and heat transfer...