
At a guess, probably a bunch of stupid fucking bullshit

they have one (1) article about the freshest sci-fi show of the year, scavengers reign. io9 does not actually care about sci-fi, it’s a website about funko pops

so fucking funny that this is the only piece io9 has written about the most imaginative and original sci-fi show of the past three years. this site is so washed

pretty cool that noted sci-fi site io9 has zero (0) articles about Scavengers Reign but nonzero articles about fucking bluey

family-published by his parents’ publishing company, but yes

they didn’t attack her you buffoon

please shut the fuck up and/or kill yourself 

of course he did lmao he has no ideas of his own

I don’t get sneaker culture myself but it is a huge thing for a lot of unbearable dipshit nerds people.

yeah, that’s actually extremely embarrassing 

expecting io9 to actually pretend to still care about even slightly less corporate sci-fi is a fool’s errand, i’m afraid

can you please fucking kill yourself already christ

i think your therapist should tell you to kill yourself

that’s cool

tell your king to stop making new dipshit promises about his cars that will never come out then

wow so epic! dark brandon strikes again! he hasn’t spoken against israel’s war crimes in gaza!

A: Kotaku sucks and nobody likes it here, B: this isn’t actually new, this is from press demos that got thoroughly dissected a month ago

well, you weren’t saying Cait Sith the intended way, dipshit! bummer!

it objectively is not the developers’ vision, since it is pronounced correctly in japanese

1) Has anyone evern actually called him “Ket Shee?”