
that’s a whole new sentence. that has like nothing to do with what’s being discussed?

shut the fuck up you boring rube

i was sorta interested until i was hit with the double-whammy of tiffany haddish and text-to-speech narration

does the video game website kotaku have any insights to add?

i’m a final fantasy fan and i make the “they call it final fantasy but there’s 16 of the danged games???” joke all the time

i think i would quit my job if i had to churn out shit like this, and i’d be mortified to see somebody i liked do it, in the same way that i would feel very sad to see my best friend subjected to a round of Boar on the Floor

yeah dude i’m sure we’re all feeling these boosts to the economy

hmmm RIP to the only good feature on io9 i guess

wow i can’t believe lifeweaver was from the Torn Valley all this time what a twist

If only Perry commanded that sort of authority with #LeftShark...

shut the fuck up you insipid dipshit

Now playing

i’ve loved this project for months! perhaps one day, we’ll reach its platonic ideal, as demonstrated by this mockup she did awhile back:

you know what you don’t deserve? love. life. passion. happiness. the list goes on

the only problem here is that nobody appears to have jumped from the walkway above down to the pier even though that would have been really cool

man, how are you gonna make this non-story into something with a villain? some guy made an off-the-cuff post and didn’t realize it could be viewed as bigoted and apologized later, but because he’s a black celeb and a white celeb thought it was antisemitic, she’s evil? get offline, mcduffie. better yet, get unemployed

who cares? the witcher fans are the most fragile on the planet, and that’s saying something. not even GoTheads got so in their feelings when the show started diverging.

yeah, okay, and if i get fired i’m actually saving money on gas

what are the skull dimensions of these subraces?

i haven’t seen Rebels, so we’ll see. I also won’t be seeing Ahsoka, so it seems similar in that regard

if you’re already replacing the DM, why not replace all your fellow players too? it’ll be even more efficient!