
feel free to never resume!

wow these hack-ass youtubers are telling me now for the first time that being mortally wounded hurts a lot, thanks!

crisis core and dissidia are both extremely terrible, bad list

it’s not a lower standard, it’s just a new meaning. it’s happening now with hundreds of words you never think of, and in 20 years those words will also have different meanings. it’s fluid, there is no baseline state that we can preserve. the word SCRUNTO will mean MAYOR by 2050.

The Kaiju Preservation Society, John Scalzi. (Hugo) Haven’t read it yet. Maybe it is the one Hugo nominee that deserves to be nominated.

he’s just like me!

dawg, put the clintons in jail, see if i give a shit, did you think this was a “gotcha” moment?

this would have been the funniest joke at a 2010 freshman stand-up comedy mixer

whole bunch of non-issues that don’t matter in this article

MK10 and 11 both had brutalities, so congrats!

please stop making up joke anime

a nine-atmosphere pressure differential was enough to squeeze an adult man through a 24-inch aperture and turn him into chunky marinara sauce during the Byford Dolphin accident. a tube imploding under 300+ atmospheres of pressure probably left nothing that could even be recognizable as organic, let alone human

Eiji and Ash is laughable holy shit lmao, like for all the lingering looks and heart-to-hearts and greased up men, the only confirmed gay characters are all sexual predators and Ash calls them fags. It’s written by a woman for women who get off on the idea of M/M romance, but not the reality of M/M sex

masturbatory. the original movie was creative. this is not. waste of time

you stupid fucks. you dumb cunts. you got the fandom headcanon confused with the thing actual writers made! oops! that’s actually a you problem, not a problem with the game, though. a game isn’t bad for not acknowledging that fans want to see deep penetration

yeah, it’s really goofy how much of BOTW gets swept under the narrative rug. ordinarily i don’t care, i’m not asking “where’s midna” with every new zelda game, but with an obviously direct sequel in the exact same place, i was wondering if anyone would point out that “wait, hold up, this guy who resurrected himself as

counterstance is so fucking powerful, no joke it absolutely mulches enemies

the deadpool cosplayer’s interpretation of the character’s bisexuality is invariably “dry humps anything/anyone without consent” so no thanks

“brutal callouts” and half of them are “you’re sooooo talented please make out with me” grow a spine

no kidding