
I think the director maybe didn't totally consider how JGL's character would read to people. In general, audiences want to sympathize with the main character and will look for things to relate to.

I hadn't read that article. So that's fair that he did say that. From another article he stated

I found a quote from the director:

Except I have heard many dudes use the fact that a woman they were interested in liking the same music as them is a sign of how deep and interesting she is. It's a common thing that men do. Also, an indie movie with JGL is the type of audience that would know who the Smiths are. I still think it was a comment on

The director didn't actually write the screenplay. In the interviews I have read, he doesn't say that JGL is shallow, just misguided.

I think ultimately we are supposed to empathize with him. It's all about how a MPDG gets him to open his eyes about love and relationships. It's about how he's too wrapped up in romance and love to see the bigger picture. He's not an anti-hero. He's just a poor dude who thought he had found his soulmate but was

This reminds me of that early scene in "500 Days of Summer" when Zoey and JGL are in the elevator and he's listening to the Smiths on his headphones. She sings along and it BLOWS HIS MIND that a girl (?!) would know who the Smiths were and even know the words to a song! In L.A.! I was like, "Whaaaaa? I know a ton of

Throwing a tantrum as an adult is always totally unreasonable.

The implication that she was busier than the rest of us was just a way to minimize our needs and make them invalid. She was a student (post bac and no job) while I worked 60+ hours every week and Roommate A worked about 50 hours a week. Acting like her life was more difficult was shitty. Also having a tantrum over a

Well first of all, this happened a long time ago and we did allow her to keep the microwave. My problem wasn't so much that she wanted to have a microwave, it was that she threw a tantrum at the mere suggestion of getting rid of it. If she had simply stated, "I prefer using the microwave. I would like to keep it." I

No, everything she ate was oven friendly. The only hot things she ate were vegan burritos and yams. Occasionally, vegan soup out of a can. The funny thing was that she was obsessed with eating "healthy" but she mostly ate vegan packaged food. She was a shitty roommate who always felt that she was way busier than the

That was one of my favorite parts of that movie. That and JLaw cleaning and rocking out to "Live and Let Die".

Science ovens! Burning down the house!

Yeah, it's one of those things that people don't realize (from other comments it sounds like you probably needed the rubella boost most). I'm glad that my doctor was on top of it because a couple of my friends have gotten whooping cough as adults and they said it was horrible.

You should get a tetnus booster every 10 years as an adult because it also has a vaccine for whooping cough which you need boosters for as an adult. You can have your blood tested to see if you are immune to measles. But I don't believe you need a booster.

Well, you can laugh when they get crabs.

These mockers, do they not realize that the sanitary strip is there to protect the garment from stains and does not, in fact, protect your genitals from coming into contact with bodily fluids? I wear my underwear whenever I try on bikini bottoms or panties- like a sane person.

It's not about giving free advertising. If the logo was covered up it was because Apple did not give permission to use the brand in the film. It happens frequently. See my comment to KiwiCrash.

If a real brand is used the movie has to get permission to use the brand. The brands don't always allow that to happen. Every studio movie has in-house lawyers screen the film to look for any potential law suit issues and there are often a few. I have even experienced working on a film where we shot on a university

Do you know if Midnight Rider was a union show? I've gotten the impression that it wasn't. In my own experience, I have found non union gigs to have producers that expect the crew to cut a lot of corners whereas on union gigs there is more covering their own asses going on so the crew doesn't get put in difficult