
Oh of course not. I'm just saying that she doesn't seem to have symptoms of PTSD but she sure seems to have symptoms of someone with a personality disorder. Either way, these are all armchair diagnoses from non-professionals. I really have very little sympathy for her due to her general lack of honesty and how she

as she's expressing qualities that a person with PTSD would have," he confides.

Oh, I don't see it as an improvement. I'm just saying that wedding clothing in general is cumbersome. If people decided what they were wearing based on ease of wear, no one would wear traditional wedding dresses- or non-traditional jumpsuits.

Isn't already hard to pee in those giant princess gowns? I've always seen bridesmaids help the bride with her dress when she has to use the bathroom.

The study cites that they used a "standard multivitamin" or a placebo. But they were studying memory and only in men. I don't take vitamins for my memory (and I don't think most younger people do either). So making a blanket statement saying vitamins don't improve anything seems pretty ridiculous.

Could part of the problem be that the vitamin market is not really regulated and that what most people ingest doesn't really contain much in the way of vitamins and minerals but mostly filler/binder? Also, if you have an unhealthy lifestyle and aren't eating well, vitamins aren't going to fix that. But if you don't

Right?! I mean, myself and half my friends in NYC take vitamin D because we actually do have a D insufficiency due to the lack of light in the winter (blood work proves this). I definitely don't view vitamins as a cure all but as a supplement to my already healthy lifestyle. Also, vitamin Bs are great for curing a

I can attest that these glasses are awesome for drinks! They are a really nice weight and size. Plus they look schmancy!

The unfortunate thing is that $400+ is a lot for a gift in my family. I tried talking the younger step-siblings into contributing but they are all broke.

Finally! I got a picture up!

Where are those from?! I LOVE them!

That sounds delicious.

Double post! WHoops, KINJA

You are correct! And Barolo is amazing but expensive!

It's great! It's from Piedmonte region in Italy which produces some of the best wines in Italy. Try it!

Myself and others have said that we have become friends with our friends' significant others. That's what I meant. I mean, because I have hung out with my friends' boyfriends I have gotten to know them and sometimes we do things without my friends, their girlfriends.

People do not get to cal dibs on someone unless they are already dating or have had sex, as in they are in a relationship and you would be breaking up that relationship. So what if this lady is on the prowl? He seems interested in you, not her. So go for it!

How is it different?

Why is it a problem? I've been out to dinner with friends' BFs a number of times. Often because I am friends with both people in the couple. It's never been hidden or weird or anything. My girlfriends never cared because they know I'm not an asshole who is going to try to break them up. It's just dinner. Generally, I