
I wish I had a waring light or sign that said "Hangry, do not engage. Feed."

I mostly roast my veggies because I think they are superior when cooked that way. I'm left wondering how people could not have known about roasted brussels sprouts.

"Vaguebookers" (great word!) are attention whores. I just ignore their not so veiled plea for attention. If you want to vent, cool, do it. Or call a close friend and do it. Posting "The WORST DAY EVER" is just childish.

If you reread my comment I said they are using BAD coping mechanisms. Being disengaged is a type of coping- it allows someone to not experience horrible feelings and not feel paralyzed by one's emotions. It's a common thing that people do in difficult times. It's not a healthy coping mechanism but it's still a coping

This is so true. My family talks about death a lot. I had been to 2 funerals of close family members by the time I was 6. I have been to many more since then. I spent a ton of time with my grandfather when his health was in severe decline. I have friends, in their 30s, who have never been to a funeral. Some have never

Yes. Also, I think sometimes adults don't really allow for anyone else to grieve. They kind of take over with their grief and memorializing. I have been to a lot of funerals of older relatives (some of whom I was very close to) and I often felt shoved aside. I have a couple of relatives who love to make everything

Funerals are for the living, aren't they? Hmm. I think the teens taking the selfies are just employing bad coping mechanisms. If you don't feel your feelings of sadness or grief you can keep at bay the realization of total and meaningless loss. That, or they are a bunch of narcissists who don't give a shit.

Make it part of your routine, like brushing your teeth, in the morning. I take my pill right after I get out of the shower every day. Now, I'm a working 30+ woman so I'm not sleeping late, so it means I generally take the pill within the same hour every day. Once you make it part of your daily habits, it's a lot

From my own experience, if the couple is married the woman usually forgoes birth control in her 40s (especially if she has had children already) and the man gets a vasectomy. A lot of my parents' friends did this and so did my parents. Those that continued with condoms well (most women I know do not like continuing

I have friends like that and it's not because a doctor ever brought up any concern with them. Anecdotally, my friends like this have some conflicting feelings about having premarital sex and generally are really concerned about aging out of fertility (even if they are only 25!).

You are way ahead of the game already! Have a fun trip!

I thought of another tip: bring comfortable walking shoes. You will walk a ton. That said, most New Yorkers only wear tennis shoes at the gym. If you have a comfy pair of flat boots (not Uggs) wear those. Keep in mind there are dress codes for certain establishments. You don't need to dress formally in most cases but

A lot of high-end restaurants have great weekday lunch prix-fx meals for around $30: Jean-George, Del Posto, etc. It's a good way to experience New York fine dining without breaking the bank. That said, there are a ton of delicious cheap eats if you like ethnic food. I recommend searching through this site: http://nyma

It's so well done, you jerk!

Many plantif's lawyers do not charge the client up front. Instead they take 30% of the damages (money won in the suit). Because of this model, they usually only represent clients that they think have a good case for at least a settlement. However, since the Human Rights Commission (racial discrimination is a

It probably is some sort of combination. Considering Italian dialects vary greatly as do American patterns of speech, it probably is hard to suss out what caused what. I just know that the East Coast Italian-American speaks differently than other Italian-Americans.

I think that's more of an East Coast Italian-American thing. I'm from the West Coast and was surprised by it out here in NY. It could have to do with the populations that settled in different places. The East Coast has a lot more Southern Italians (Calabrians, Sicilians and Neapolitans) whereas at lot more Northern

Hee hee. I'm Italian-American, too! When I lived in Italy, the "where to place syllable emphasis" was something that my Italian friends corrected me for all the time. I didn't know it was a problem until it was explained to me.

I think it's an act. If you look at other instances where they did something shitty on the show, they always fall back on the "who me?" bullshit. Teresa is one of those people who thinks if she never admits to something that you can't say she's guilty of it.

You are right about the way to say their name in Italian except for where you put the emphasis. Italians do not emphasize the second to last syllable in words, that is an American thing. So it would be JU-dee-CHAY.