
By many accounts, Miscavaige is a megalomaniac and prone to very angry outbursts and is quite vindictive. Being a public figure only protects you so much. Remini and her family are still targets. A cut brakeline, fire or some other "accident" is all it would take to punish them. People who left the church have

The problem is Remini's parents and the rest of her family are all members. There could be a lot of retaliation directed at her family in order to punish her. I would be pretty anxious. There were people tailing Katie Holmes and there probably still are. Even if they actually don't do anything, knowing they are

I think the key in your comment is that you two sat down and talked about finding a better solution. I have no problem with people dividing up tasks and basing them on what suits them I think the problem with the couples in the article was there were just these expectations and firmly held beliefs that the parent who

Quitting my job to be the cleaning lady? No way in hell.

Well the article is about multi-parent homes. Regardless I think two parent households fighting for better work home life is also good for single parents and childless employees. The problem now is anyone who does not make work their only priority is punished when we could find a better balance for everyone.

I think too many working parents see the stay at home parent as a drudge rather than a partner who helps the working parent advance careerwise. I am happy to do my fair share but I am not my partner's housekeeper or nanny. I expect him to be involved in our domestic life. I think discussing what each partner can

What I was getting from the women in the article was the expectation of their husbands that they do all the domestic chores without ever sitting down to talk about how to share responsibilities. Simply saying "I make the money so you have to do everything else" is a shitty way to approach a relationship. It quickly

Until we all say to our employers that our personal lives are important to us, none of us will be respected. I guess what I'm getting at is that workers need to stand up for their personal lives more. I know single people without kids who feel guilty for asking for a couple of days off because one of their parents

While I agree, it's good to keep in mind that sometimes Sunday wedding happen due to religious reasons. If you're Jewish you can't get married on Saturday/the Sabbath (I think you can an hour past sundown but in the summer that could mean 10PM!). So Sunday is the only weekend day that really works.

We are of the same mind. Good music and food are all that matter. I'm including booze in the food category by the way.

Sorry. That sucks.

#1 requirement for food: it should taste good. The first time I had fondant I thought it was marzipan. What a horrible disappointment that turned out to be. Those cakes are expensive so I do not see the point of paying for a bad tasting cake. Also, I can never get on board with those cake decorating shows because of

In general, I find most weddings to be fun once I get myself there (the logistics can often be stressful especially when I went through a period of 5 weddings per summer for a couple of years). But I do have to say that women feel a lot of weird and unpleasant pressure at weddings that my male friends have generally

A good buttercream frosting with non-cardboard like cake is all I ask for and yet it rarely seems to happen.

Why don't more couples pay attention to the cake?! I love cake! I think one of the problems is really pretty cakes are usually covered in fondant in order to sustain the weight of many tiers. We must stop doing this because fondant is disgusting.

I think we all do since crack is freebased form cocaine. I was talking about monetary costs since regular coke is usually not sold in $10 hits.

Oh yes, this could all be true. I just think if I was Chris and I watched all of this I would feel betrayed and hurt and like a consolation prize. Another thread talked about how it would be better if this played out in private and Chris could have blissful ignorance. That ignorance would give the relationship a

It's what she wore in her porn video. It's some sort of neglige thing.

I knew there was a boom! Your Kourtney theory sounds quite good to me.

When I look at long lasting and happy relationships this is what I see: two people who bring out each others' best qualities. You can have two people who are wildly in love with each other but just turn each other into their worst selves. Those relationships are so miserable and love should not make you feel miserable!