
I went to a top liberal arts college with "need blind admissions" and I had a merit scholarship for "Academic Achievement". You could also get grant money based on your high school achievements. What they didn't provide was need-based scholarships - instead you got grant money or a financial aid package that reflected

What are you basing this in? If legacy applicants were more qualified they wouldn't need to put on their application that they are legacies. The vast majority of legacies that I have encountered were not as qualified as the non-legacy students. George W. Bush was a legacy at Yale and a C student. Alumni giving also

Well, and the school she did go to in Alabama is on par with UT so it's not like she suffered a lack of opportunities. She's just an entitled whiner who's too dumb to realize she's not as smart as she thinks she is.

Fisher applied to UT because she was a legacy (her father and sibling are UT grads). She has stated in interviews that she thinks she has been cheated out of the "UT experience" that her relatives had like going to UT football games and that's what she really wanted.

Mediocre for an elite institution such as UT. I think a 3.59 is quite respectable but it's low for any college that has a competitive admissions (over 10 years ago I knew people who were rejected from UC Berkeley who had 3.8s and higher). It's really low for an elite private college, though. She also only had an 1180

Yes, probably. But there would still be a disparity of opportunity for a lot of non-white students. I wish affirmative action was class based because I think it would do more to even out the playing field. Regardless, I think a lot of people find it difficult to accept that they weren't good enough on their own merits

Fisher's GPA was below the top 10% in the state and UT is so competitive that you need to be in the top 1o% to be guaranteed a spot. Part of her argument was that she was academically more qualified than minorities who got into the school, however, her GPA indicates that that's not true because it is low for the

Yep! My social circle largely went to elite schools and they all have stories about mediocre students (both in high school and college - ahem George W.) who had a parent or grandparent donate a building around the time they were applying to colleges.

I think Bobloblaw2013 isn't saying that there are no people upset about legacies. However, a lot of people who bitch about affirmative action being unfair don't ever address that legacy spots are unfair.

Legacy placements: affirmative action for rich white people that is truly unfair and makes up a significant portion of admissions at elite schools.

Also re: side boob:

Underboob is NOT a new invention. It's been popular since at least the 1970s because of lad mags. I feel like the saucy pic of the college co-ed in the self over-cropped school jersey was a well know sex cliche? Am I wrong?

Homophobic behavior is homophobic behavior no matter the time period. It was also accepted to be a racist in the 1960s but we can still say people were racist even though in that era it was common. There might not have been the concept of being an "ally" but there were people who had gay friends and family and didn't

Yes, I think your analysis is spot on. My original comment was more about I didn't think she was protecting him. She may know or not know, but I think she'd keep quiet only because of the things you mentioned: it's a relief for her.

Yes, I could see that. But is it really that she's good at figuring out who's gay, or does she assume a dude not hitting on her is gay? I like Joan, but she came across as pretty homophobic in early episodes and not really much of an ally.

Not taking responsibility for his actions.

When people still admired Don they always talked about him as though he was a mythic figure - they liked the mystery about him. Having him plainly state his humble and awful beginnings was the final act that destroyed the mythic hero Don Draper. So yes, I agree with you that it really bothered his coworkers because it

Joan didn't realize her old roommate was a lesbian until she made a very obvious pass at her. And then Joan just pretended that it didn't happen and was something else. Like all of the characters on Mad Men, I could see Joan talking herself into believing something because it's easier to just pretend everything is OK

It's all ready small claims court serious and your should take this person to court. Most cities have a help line or office that can help you navigate how to go about this. The great thing about small claims court is you do not need a lawyer, just good documentation of the money owed and the attempts that you have

As someone who has a Borderline parent, I am so sorry you are dealing with this and that it's interfered with your relationship. I just wanted to offer a way to view this break up since you are disappointed, heartbroken and probably angry for why it is happening: your BF may be a nice guy but he is clearly still