
To me it sounds like she doesn't want advice but rather wants you to validate her feelings. Instead you've been incredibly invalidating. I don't think you did anything wrong, you just misidentified what your friend was asking for. What she wants from you is "Yes, it is hard being single and it can be lonely. We all

Yeah, my friends were perplexed that I was single, too. At first I felt like a little help meeting people would be great! But I soon discovered that the problem is that most people suck at identifying who their single friend would find attractive. My friends would suggest terrible matches for me - just no chemistry at

I believe body donation for medical/scientific research is just as valid and wonderful as organ donation. We would not have had all the advancements in car crash safety had it not been for people who donated their cadavers. Nor would we have the forensic info to solve crimes if people hadn't donated their bodies for

Spain and Belgium both have opt out systems which don't viiolate anyone's rights. If you are religious or just don't want to be an organ donor you can choose not to be BUT you have to sign legal documents stating so. The reality is that a lot of people never take the time to consider whether they want to be an organ

Vampire's Kiss

It's the same in NY but they send additional forms which make you specify what you want to donate (you can donate everything or just parts).

You actually can't. If they take your organs then your body is not terribly useful for a medical school. You also have to set up the medical school donation ahead of time with a specific medical school. You can't just put it in your will.

If you want to donate your body for medical/scientific research you actually have to go through a whole different process than organ donation. And you can not longer be an organ donor. I highly recommend this book if you want to learn about ways to donate your body:

Right. I know someone who moved to Spain in order to get a transplant partly because the availability for an organ was much better there(he was a Spanish citizen but was born in another country). I agree that we need to educate the public and get people to realize the emergency personnel and medical staff will not let

Organs have a very short life span once they are removed from a living person (doctors keep the brain dead person alive so that they can harvest the organs at peak viability). Biological degradation starts immediately after removal that's why they put it on ice sometimes. Also, when you receive a transplanted organ

And yet people are stupidly spooked by it. One of my very young coworkers doesn't like the idea of not being whole after he dies. I responded "I'm dead what do I care or know of it. They can take anything they want."

I just wrote this in response to another commentator. I think it's incredible that through death I could have such an awesome legacy as saving many people's lives.

This is why we need an "opt out" rather than "opt in" system. Everyone (no matter their age) should automatically be an organ donor. If you really don't want to be one you should have to take the time to fill out forms on the matter (obviously, parents could fill out the forms on behalf of their children). It's tragic

I was talking in terms of whether or not your body can handle the detox. Doing unsafe things is another matter. Most heroin addicts spend most of the detox puking their guts out and aren't climbing onto roofs. I suppose dehydration is a danger but the detox itself won't kill them. The danger of the addict relapsing is

You can quit heroin cold turkey. It is not dangerous to do that. The addict just feels like shit (like having the flu) while s/he goes through it. But your body will survive just fine. However, severe alcoholics actually can't go cold turkey - it's dangerous and can kill them. Their bodies can actually shut down

I'm not a lawyer either! I just have a lot of friends who are. One of my friends actually worked for NYC specifically in tort cases (these types of lawsuits) and she said that the city was often named in lawsuits for no good reason (although she also said there many times that the city deserved to be sued). For

Plaintiff's lawyers usually cast a wide net when they first file a lawsuit. The goal is to get as much money as possible (plaintiff's lawyers usually get 1/3 of the award or settlement) and often the lawyers would prefer a settlement rather than going to trial. So naming Rihanna is way to make it more likely Mac et

I always find the obsession with blue eyes to be pretty creepy. I've dated and known people who have a real thing about it (even though some of them didn't have blue eyes themselves). It has always come across to me as vaguely racist - a strange obsession with Aryan features. But yeah, I've had the same argument with

Are you me? Heh heh. People have always said that my eyes change color but I think it's because one of the colors in my iris becomes more pronounced when I wear certain colors. I never knew this was a thing.