
I think it would work because you are saying, "Hey I want some company and oh, look, I have this thing we can share!"

What if she had a work conflict? Or a relative's function to go to? Just because the event is important to one person doesn't mean that another person doesn't have something equally important to do.

In theory this seems like an excellent solution. I think the problem is that money creates obligations between people even when it's anonymous. What if the poorer friend blows the cash on something stupid and irresponsible? Would it bother the giver? I agree with the writer that she should just treat her friend to

Vitamin B complex tablet. Apple juice. CARBS. Remorse. Self-loathing.

As someone who graduated high school in the 90s - it is so frustrating and disappointing to see how many steps backwards our country has taken in terms of sex education. AIDS really scared the shit out of everyone enough to say that people deserve and need to be educated. I feel so much sadness and anger that so many

Yes, those are the "damages" that she's claiming (damages are hard to prove but I think her complaint is valid even if she didn't suffer any damages). I don't think actors' true ages are pertinent to their job. What matters most is if they can pass as a certain age and casting directors can figure that our from a head

I was going to edit my post since I am definitely wrong about it's origins (but can't cuz it's too late!). I think I am conflating it with a catalogue that you could buy (at least this what I was told the origins of IMDb were from some "old timers"). But the Pro site has been always aimed at industry professionals,

Oh sorry! Damn the lack of tone on the internet!

She is suing for a violation of the payment agreement. When she used her credit card there was a legal contract that said the payment info would only be used towards completion of payment but IMDB used that info to attain this actress' age. Which is a violation of that contract. She's claiming damages by saying the

First it's very hard to prove age discrimination with a potential employer. But her lawsuit is about IMDB breaking the agreement/contract with her. By using her credit card to look up her real age they violated the terms of use of their payment agreement. She is arguing that this violation of the agreement had

So let's start publishing everyone's (who works for any company in any industry) ages then. What if LinkedIn started publishing everyone who signed up's ages? Every accountant, salesman, graphic artist, nurse, etc. People would be livid.

I know some head's of behind the scenes departments who discovered that IMDB listed their age. They were livid because age discrimination happens whether you are a "public" figure or not. And who knows where IMDb got these people's ages because outside of professional circles no one knows who they are. IMDb keeps

It is illegal throughout this country to ask someone his/her age in a job interview no matter the industry. Age discrimination is illegal. An actor should not even be asked his or her age to begin with and neither should you. All that matters is if an actor appears to be the age of the character - which we all know

It's not a SAG rule, it is federal law. It's against the law to ask anyone at any job interview their age regardless of the industry. By putting out a casting call for people who can "play" a certain age you aren't asking people's age so you aren't breaking the law because you aren't discriminating by age but who

Except people's birth date and age are their personal information. It is illegal to ask someone their age on an interview and it is illegal to discriminate based on age in this country. Just because people get away with age discrimination does not make people's right to share their personal info any less valid. This

Anyone with an agent has an IMDBPro account and those people do have and use the page like a personal profile page. They do have some control over what appears on their page. People with agents include directors, cinematographers, editors, etc. not just actors. I don't have an IMDBPro account because I don't need it

Are you a customer in the professional sense? Because when I'm up for jobs (I'm a below the line worker, NOT an actress) my potential boss uses it to verify my resume (this is true industry wide for other below the line workers). My potential boss does not need to know my age. And it is illegal for him to inquire. As

Not totally true - IMDB is very similar to Linkedin for people who work in entertainment. You can pay to have control over your page but you can't force IMDB to remove your age if they choose to publish it. Also, IMDB started doing this to below the line workers (editors, cinematographers, art directors, etc.) as

Thank you! BTW, I love Tabitha. She is fucking awesome.