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Can we all agree that the shooter of a failed Panenka looks far more ridiculous than the keeper does with a successful one?

Why do they have to want something from the NFL ???

What they want is to raise awareness of societal problems. The NFL, if they had any sense whatsoever, never would’ve gotten themselves involved in the first place, stated that their players have their own voices and don’t speak for the league itself, and let them

Chicago Cubs Bros are human scum.

Chicago Cubs Bros are human scum.

Damn the Torpedoes is on par with Tom Petty’s greatest hits as far as I’m concerned. “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” and its overplayed video were the worst of his hits.

You dispensed with a white friend numbskull would be a more accurate statement.

J&J should be gone. No plea bargains, none of that shit. It says right there that Edward’s brother owns the place and there’s no way in hell he didn’t know on some level what sort of shit his brother was pulling. His business directly profited in some fashion from having a slave employee working non stop. Both men

I would have thought that problems are more due to the pay-to-play structure that’s plaguing so many sports in the US. A lot of these sports are expensive both in terms of cost and time commitment. So it’s become the domain of the upper-middle classes and wealthy. From what I’ve observed these activities are regarded

Her saying the sky is blue wouldn’t make news, her going after a black athlete does. They are mutually exclusive when biases take place. I can agree with her if she says, wow the sky is blue, because that’s an objective fact backed by science. Saying what LeBron said not being insightful is subjective, I’m sure people

The only example I can even think of of someone being “chosen” for one of our squads in Winter Olympics as opposed to just automatically qualifying through having the best results is figure skating, where in 2014 they took a photogenic white girl who finished 4th at nationals instead of the non-photogenic

this is not right. BB made cassel look all-pro in his season there when tommy was down. and garrapolo steps in and looks like a solid QB last year (brissett even looks ok). personally i think its all BB, and brady is along for the ride. BB really just needs a halfway decent QB to succeed. i think if you had swapped

Toucher & Rich?

I love Vladimir Guerrero. Free swinger. No batting gloves. Arm canon. Punk rock pine tar helmet. Russian-Latino hybrid name. Absolutely my favourite baseball player of all time.

I’m less interested in, like, who the fucking idiot who voted for Livan Hernandez is than who the four people who apparently voted for Clemens but not Bonds are, and why (I realize this is based on the assumption that all 238 people who voted for Bonds also voted for Clemens, which may not be accurate, but whatever).

It’s obvious that you’re making the slanderous suggestion that Brady got the injury fingering Trump’s asshole during AFC Championship Week, and I don’t appreciate it. If word gets to Tom Brady that you’re suggesting he hurt his hand fingering Trump’s asshole during AFC Championship week, he may pursue legal action.

Racism! I don’t follow this topic nor have I given any thought to it so it must not be a valid idea! Let’s not talk about it because I’m ignorant towards any particulars!

Guy’s so young he still has his baby teeth.

Ah yes, another minority hockey player with the infamous “off ice issues.”

It’s Iowa. There are no small coaches.