
He is not a disgrace to his family’s name at all. Some of his steals are impressive, and all of them are legal.

Lily: What’s the story with the dog?
Coach Dunlop: Well that’s the dog who saved Johnstown in the flood of ‘38

I also did not want to read all the way to the bottom of the article. Thank you for summing up the last paragraph for us.

If your knee jerk reaction to every shooting is to worry more about your toys than the shattered lives of your fellow Americans, you might suck as a human being.

Well, look at it reasonably: SOME of it works, and taking Brady as a test case, the whole package is working for him, even though a lot of elements in that package are nonsense.

“And capitalist, of shudder”

I’ve started doing that, especially if I already have a larger bag checked. I don’t have to wait that long at baggage claim usually. Whenever possible, I try to just take a backpack on board. It’s so much nicer not wheeling a bag around airports.

It’s funny (not in a ha ha sense, obviously) but this is exactly what has been going through my mind since the whole “metoo” hashtag campaign. I’ve thought back on all of the times I’ve been intimate with people, sometimes while intoxicated, sometimes not. I’ve thought back on all the times I’ve had someone of the

One thing I really did like about the switch was that you could see plays open up like the QB does. It’s one thing when you see the traditional view and you don’t know what’s happening up field, but this Madden-view allowed viewers to see routes develop. Unless you’re a woman.

The ironic thing is that Marshawn Lynch represents everything that chuds used to complain was missing from pro sports. He loves playing football, shows that love with how he plays, is a genuinely interesting and thoughtful person, dislikes and distrusts the media and the more commercial aspects of the sport, and

Holy Projection Batman!

Or the pool at Bushwood.

Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.

I would boo also. I absolutely hate when either religion or patriotism is forced on me at a “public” event. If I wanted to pray I would do so either in private or in church, but it shouldn’t be expected of me, nor should I have to be expected to respect it being forced upon others in order to attend a sporting event.

Look, I work hard 6 days a week. Can’t I have a Sunday free of prayer?

It’s the first time I’ve ever had to turn off a game because I was overwhelmed by it. I say this as someone who reads all of the studies and all of the articles, someone who definitely “knows better” and still tunes in. My heart leapt into my throat on that hit. It was awful.

You’ve already had your ass handed to you earlier for this out of context dogshit. Why would you come back for seconds?

Not angry at all. Just disappointed in a fellow American who apparently can’t see through the orange clown’s bluster. What you’re quoting is a simple statement of fact, but it was not delivered as a threat. It was not said to intimidate or threaten during a speech on a world stage delivered by an incompetent leader

Donald Trump fucking sucks.