
Right? It’s almost like science, along with modern medicine, has made significant strides in the last 2o years.

He IS “like, very smart.”

“Consider this a nonconference schedule to open the season. Before the advent of the CFP, a lot of college powerhouses would start every season by playing Samford three times in a row before getting into the meat of their schedule.”

So basically what the SEC still does to this day. 

Growing up helps.

Definitely contrite, and cathartic.

Like I mentioned above, I have kids now, and I cant imagine how I would react to some punk, under-age kid drunk off $9 Miller Lite yelling at my kid, like I was that night at Texas Stadium.

Thanks! A lot of years have passed since most of those things occurred, but that doesn’t excuse me for being a shitty teen.


Stud wrestler falls in love with his hands and gets knocked the fuck out for it. A tale as old as time 

No, what he said was we didnt want to waste the time when you guys would have sufficient evidence to bring him in yourselves. 

“ Gurley got his money because he was seen as the consensus best running back in the league”

Was he, though? No doubt he got some consideration, but there would be too many votes going to the HB in Dallas and the one who exiled himself from PIT to call anyone the “consensus best.”

Fuck BLAF and fuck Ronda Rousey.

“He throws up gang signs with his right hand..”**