
The 3D on the “New” systems is great. The eye tracking method is actually kind of scary at how good it is compared to trying to hold the og 3DS’s at just the right spot. I went from rarely using the 3D to always having it on with the New XL. You don’t ever get pulled out of the game at all, it just works.

I feel like if you’re standing on a platform, then jump straight up and on landing get knocked off by the physics engine, it’s the engine at fault, not the player. If it was just the speed of the jump animation I would agree that people should get used to it, but this sounds like there may be both bugs and really

Buying a game, and then parading around and bragging about it, that was so simple to get trophies for... That’s basically the equivalent to going to a trophy shop and ordering one for “Best (Insert name here) in the World.” You need acknowledgement that you completed something, so you throw money into completing the

I came here for a nerd rage Samus strip. I was not disappointed.

You mean like almost any follow up game to a portable pokemon game so far?

I’m not even sure why his race needed to be addressed in the first place lol

America, I guess.

You don’t need the DLC pass. Considering it’s a remake of a previous game, Echoes alone is a full game. The DLC is just that: extra content. Echoes is a great game without the amiibo or season pass.

She’s rolling up her sleeve.

Wut. This is a pretty widely known gesture for “fuck you”. That’s like claiming people shouldn’t be offended if it were a character giving the finger to the screen.

You have clearly never played any of the Darksiders games if you have to make that question.

Give him a Flinstone’s foot powered car..

Mario Kart Rule 23A states that all participants must remain in a motorized vehicle at all times unless the participant is performing a trick (see section 2B for legal definition of “trick”), at which point they must return to their motorized vehicle at the end of said trick.

Hey, at least it helps to weed out potential girlfriends. If she isn’t kneeling over laughing at the bad fake-fighting, she’s probably not a keeper.

It went from taking turns and having to watch others play, to playing all together in one location, to playing together on the internet, to watching others play on the internet and paying them for it. How?

I watch twitch streamers, and I do donate to some. But, I would never feel like these people are friends with me in real life. If I saw them at GDQ I’d buy them a beer and thank them for their entertainment and walk away. The reason I donate or subscribe is that, if I watch someone for 3 hours a couple times a week,

Any slapnuts who refers to himself as an “alpha” isn’t.

I mean... they can defend his larger stance against censorship. That’s fine. He’s welcome to that.

Acquire wrote it as “KKK” without intending to make a reference to the American KKK, changing it from that is actually a good localization choice. To keep it “KKK” would have introduced a meaning to the phrase that wasn’t in the original language and that the original developers didn’t intend.

I think a lot of claims of censorship could be boiled down to people not accepting that they’re not as funny as they think

Is this the Lt. Surge origin story?