
*Looks at picture of character welding (there is no filler stick so she is just heating it up?) a piece of armor while she is actually wearing it.

Eh. There’s the possibility that violent entertainment (of any kind) could have a contributory effect on the mind of a person who is already dealing with difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy—but overall, the idea that violent entertainment equates to violent action is absolutely ludicrous (seriously, if that

That’s on the parents buying their wee ones Call of Duty, though, not the industry itself.

I really wanted to try beer when I was underage. Guess what my parents didn’t buy for me?


I really wanted to see R-rated movies when I was young. My friends who had “cool” parents got to see them; I didn’t unless I snuck

But Canada and the rest of the world doesn’t actually exist!

That Awkward zombie strip is next week’s posted early because the creator is out of town. This is this week’s:

Meh, he made the same face when he woke up next to Catherine. Pretty sure this is all just blown way out of proportion. If Rin really is Trans, she likely did tell him that she was trans, but we’re all forgetting how these scenarios all happened in the game: He got so drunk that he didn’t remember the night before. So

Now playing

I’m all for funny names but the reaction they elicit should be a sensible chuckle followed by an “oh, you!” This is just eye-rollingly vulgar with no creativity.

I’m now expecting his Super Smash attack to involve a possessed T-Rex.

A: “Stop whispering.”
B: “Stop whispering in Spanish.”

I know, only a two word difference. But you’re saying a lot more in B than in A.

In all fairness, SOMETIMES it happened at the arcades over Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct.

Why does that dude not get why Yoshi has no nipples? Yoshi lays eggs, he’s not a mammal. So no nipples. I mean, his ignorance isn’t even funny, it sends a clear message about America’s education levels.

Golly, its almost as if reading before commenting might have clarified the difference. Whoda think it!?!

What’s the greater show of strength? Accepting and shrugging off the evils of the world, or making a stand to change them?

It’s always confused me when ‘cringe’ videos include kids in them, because it’s always just kids being kids. Kids are still learning how to behave right up into their teens and making fun of that is really cruel. It can basically make kids afraid to learn, which is so important for them.

As someone who was exposed to

Counterpoint to all the “kids are toxic jerks” comments:

I once had a 13 year old, English-speaking Korean girl (as in currently living in South Korea) act as my guide in Borderlands 2 when I was too wracked with social anxiety to turn my mic on and ask for help. She talked non-stop about herself, her family and game

I’ve been trying to keep that in mind more and more when I play games, and also when I leave/respond to comments on articles here. Not everyone is 30 years old, with decades of life experience under their belt that they’re pouring into their comments. Not everyone I team with in something like Rocket League has the

They need to release this to be public as this gen’s Sneak King

You have not had crisis training because if you did, one of the first things covered is how crisis training can be incorporated into other situations. So. Good job lying.