
Nope. No roaches in any other city.

Cling to walls

If they release this internationally I will buy one just for kicks. They look amazing and I have never had a “gag” controller before.

I say this without any strong opinions of Penny Arcade, but I think there’s an argument to be made if your comic requires supporting text, it’s not doing it’s job very well.

And Wii U, obviously.

Pokemon vita confirmed

Gamers are so coddled these days. Why, back in my youth, moons threatened all life as we know it, FALLING FROM THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES!

You mean Lucio-oh’s, right?

But how well will the cartridges run after going through the entire digestive system?

People don’t read articles man, get your shit together. This is the internet, you read the title and then you comment. Fuck sake you’re embarrassing all of us now.

I just opt for self-flagellation, slapping myself on the thigh, usually accompanied by a “god damnit,” “motherfucker” or something.

In their defense I can’t see that being made properly ever.

People getting guilt-tripped for not supporting an ideology that deems them subhuman and would celebrate their eradication.

No kidding, or at least genetically modify some mushrooms so they give us extra lives or something! What are the devs doing that they can’t get these things invented yet? We’ve been waiting like, our whole lives!

“There is no reset button on real life situations police face.”

It’s also weird to see Nintendo getting criticized for jumping on the meme train like they do when companies like Arby’s are so desperately - albeit very creatively, to their credit - trying to stay relevant through memes, and yet they get praised. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even trying to defend Nintendo per se, I

Maybe in whatever shit school you went to. I distinctly recall learning about them whenever they were relevant at the point in history we happened to be studying, regardless of whether or not it was Black History month.

Now hang on, the character is in prison. Should the judicial system of the land in which he resides not be allowed to play out fairly? What is Man without Law and Order? When the scales of Lady Justice are denied by an escape attempt, our very social order is in jeopardy.

The main character had a moral responsibility

I ended up getting both versions of the game and played the 3DS version a lot more. I guess it’s the fact that it’s a portable game that it was more convenient for me to play. It didn’t wreck my circle pad either and I’ve always wondered how abusive people got with it.

I just wish you would have included a picture of whoever youre talking about.