
What about the alternative theory? Yoshi sacrificed himself to give you the boost needed to make the distance out of sheer devotion, love, and companionship. Theres a comic or gif or something out there somewhere im too lazy to find...

Or Yoshi's a Pokemon.

It almost sounds like you're in a classic mindfuck position. You love that one aspect so much yet as much as you want to recommend it, there are too many other aspects that make you not recommend it, but... dragons!!!!!!!!


Man, is it mad i want to know how much experience i get for killing a MEGA Audino?

Bagon wanted to fly

Is mud Diglett? Because, yeah, afrobull still beats that because the American Bison actually looks a lot like it. Don't forget their first attempt at a Yuki-Onna that people were mistaking as a caricature of black people. That didn't go over so well in Gen I.

And what don't you like about Nosepass's design? It's a

Dragon claw, how?

Because a ball with magnets was such a great design......ha....all generations have their weird ones...can't see how recent ones are any different.

What is the C?

You know whose name would be at the top of the article of the one person that runs the Pocketmonster blog?

So rather then the parents you know be parents they used their influence to pressure a school into doing something they did not want to do. The school should have stood up to the parents but did not instead. However you can also bet had they stood up they'd get plastered locally for not caring enough about the

Why don't we boil it down to: "Activities that aren't studying can lead to bad grades."

Can we all just agree that Barakamon is the best thing on this season?

According to people on Xbox Live, there are plenty of gay games!

As a gay man and gamer myself no. It sounds like someone who only plays gay games if there were any haha

"Some" In the original Mario Games, and a few other ones, he isn't that big, there aren't many where he is a giant beast.

Etrian Odyssey, Ni No Kuni, Shin Megami Tensei (I'd say this counts for at least three), Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Tactics Ogre, I'd say that's a pretty good start and I don't even follow jrpgs all that closely anymore. I mean nothing has ever been on par with Chrono trigger, but a lot of those are at least as

I find it amusing how Ubisoft will make custom consoles especially designed to withstand the extreme conditions on those mountains, yet Nintendo didn't need to do jackshit and their normal DS's just LOL'd in the face of the severe abuse and kept going on.

Yeah its weird, its almost like both things...are totaly unrelated D: