Says the guy with nothing better to do than comment on Kotaku stories he didn't even bother to read.
Says the guy with nothing better to do than comment on Kotaku stories he didn't even bother to read.
I would imagine most 6 year olds don't know that Samus is a female human being.
Damn right.
Captain Falcon in next Power Ranger movie confirmed.
I'm crying from laughter.
It would be utterly stupid. Might as well put Mickey Mouse in, or the cast of Seinfeld. Hey, those are widely beloved characters, right? Yeah sure but they have no place in Smashbros.
You should try making thousands of dollars while working at home! My neighbor made....oh, sorry.
I've raised my 5 year old son to LOVE the Turtles. He loves the new Nickelodeon cartoon, but he also likes watching the old 'toons. His TMNT action figures are some of his favorite toys (he's had the cartoon versions for a while and he just got the movie version figures of all the Turtles, Splinter and Shredder for…
I thought the designs of the characters in the 80s TMNT were the best but in terms of storytelling, I'll stick with TMNT 2k3. At least for the first 5 seasons...
What's hipster about that?
Real breastplates are not skin tight. There would be plenty of room for a womans chest to fit in there.
Look at the bright side: No nipples.
Chaika. Best Chaika.
Do you mean strong female characters like the badass female ninja mercenary and the overpowered shape shifting female dragon that travel with Chaika?
1) Why do you think she's often in cat form? That's exactly her personality, if she doesn't feel like it, then she won't do it.
Hair blowing sideways instead of down. 0/10. Would not comb again.
Anyone who wears this shirt is automatically an asshole in my (non-colorblind) eyes.
Crazy 8 is pretty simple. Whatever item is in front of the cart is used (or if there's nothing in front of it, but other items still spinning, the next in rotation is used).
Was this comment a roundabout ploy to get me to put on a softcore porn avatar?
Some people are entertaining personalities. And I don't have infinite income to play all the games myself, especially some older console shit. In the case of TotalBiscuit, it's also useful to watch his First Impression videos as a resource to decide if I want to buy a game.