
Coffe shops are places to buy and drink coffee and socialize with your friends over coffee, and that includes talking. Being too loud is rude no matter where (coffee shop or restaurant) but you should not expect library silence there.

Thats why I like my 7" Galaxy Tab. It fits in all cargo pants, and even in back pocket of some jeans.

For a moment I thought they had a pizza on the table there. But it is just printout of the map of the compound I think.

It looks to me like 90s Apple designed masturbator device. And the shelf will protect the bottom of the toast from being toasted.

In Canada?

This is impossible in corporate environment because any kind of roofing over the cube is fire hazard because it blocks the sprinklers that are in the ceiling. I asked ;-(

How is it different from anyone uploading their mp3 say to dropbox and mounting dropbox as a drive and playing files they OWN from there? I wish Amazon went to court with this and win against greedy recording companies that are looking for getting paid AGAIN for what they already sold.

Who in their right mind would bother using secure and hard to remember password for a site like Gizmodo? We register for blogs and forums because we have to and the accounts are disposable. If all my blog and forum accounts become compromised I don't care. I did not put any personal details there and I use sneakemail

Yay, I made it to Gizmodo! ;-)

Yes. Next question?

You should remove the band before Apple police arrests you for defacing their perfect product.

Vote: Pulse

Samsung's 2.2 Froyo sucked ass on my AT&T Galaxy Tab so I ported CyanogenMod 6.2 BETA to run on it.

Samsung is terrible about updating their phones. AT&T is even worse. Combined they are pinnacle of shittines. I know, I had Samsung Epix for which the officially promised WinMo 6.5 update was delayed forever. The only hope for Samsung users is CyanogenMod or AOSP builds.

Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim are great movies.

Coming soon to the airport near you!

For desktop use

That will only get you an extra "patdown", so just save yourself the hassle and opt out.

@Yerzriknot: In ancient times some data storage systems could only store upper case characters. There were also programming languages that only used caps, because the only way to get anything done by the computer was to yell at it.