
But then each additional GB is $10 or something. So you can burn $10 every several minutes. No wonder Verizon likes this deal ;-)

One word: Japan!


@haikuginger: Come on, wouldn't you consider it rude when your significand other would answer the phone during sex when you are trying to do your best to please her/him?

I'd say he was totally justified. No jury will find him guilty.

None of my computers is ever out for repairs. If any of them breaks I fix them myself, I would never trust it to some monkeys in service departments of anywhere. Plus there is the matter of my private information on my computers.

@shallnot: I haven't. No point since it doesn't have full Exchange support. WM 6.5 is better in that aspect. And I don't care for iPhone either. I have no idea why do you bring it up?

@...And i'm a Snake.: Well, you can have two for $100 with contract. Soon they will be free.

Ahem, they are just glad somebody bought a phone with their crappy OS.

42 is a dead giveaway. Somebody read too much Douglas Adams.

Dont worry. The next iPad version will bring back the command key and you will have all kinds of secret taps with command key.

Programming for Android is not any harder than programming for any other platform that spans multiple devices from multiple manufacturers and multiple OS versions. Be it desktop Windows or old Windows Mobile, or Linux or anything else. Even programming for closed platform from the fruit company you have to be avare of

@Dominic5521: It is probably big fresh hole in the ground with smoldering debris in the middle.

Noise canceling headphones + any text editor.

I always thought that Google hiring policy was not to hire morons. He somehow slipped through so they fixed the mistake. He should be glad they did not sue him.

@pen.suhl: Sorry man, I got Iron Man 2 DVD from Netflix yesterday. You will have to wait till I will watch it and return it ;-)

When new stuff comes out on DVD, I save it to Netflix queue. Some day it will arrive in my mailbox and I will watch it. It doesn't really matter how long wait windows they will make, my Netflix queue is full and I don't care. Maybe I am getting old but I do not remember last time when I absolutely had to watch some

@registeraccount21: For feeling special and superior to PC users and thinking different like millions of other Apple users.

It is normal. It is a Mac after all. The logic board issues are longstanding tradition.